Speech of a 2-3 year old child. Speech development in a child at home

By the age of two, most children do not have phrasal speech. Some people replace it with gestures or use several words. But after two years, even the most silent babies begin to speak. The child's active vocabulary increases sharply. By the end of the second year of life this is about 300 words, and at the age of three up to 1500 words. During this period, sentences appear in the baby’s speech. True, the words in them are not yet grammatically related to each other. Of course, each child is individual and everyone’s speech develops at their own pace. Children love to imitate and this quality can and should be used in teaching. For example, imitation of animal voices (like a dog barking, a cow mooing, a goose cackling). This is not only a fun game, but also a useful exercise for speech development.

After two years, the child’s pronunciation improves, but it is still very different from the pronunciation of adults: some sounds are pronounced softly (“Walked in the woods,” “Go kitty”), individual sounds in words are then replaced by others (pasta-pacayons, car - flank), then rearranged (plane-masalet, heels-kalbuki), or completely lowered (yoka-tree, yuka-skirt). Many children at this age cannot pronounce hissing sounds (Zh Shch Shch) and replace them with whistling sounds (Z, S) (want-hoshu, cone-search, cup-tsyaska, brush-mesh). They also don’t pronounce the sound “r”. This is explained by the insufficient development of the speech apparatus: low mobility of the tongue, lips, and muscles of the lower jaw. Articulation gymnastics helps to develop the speech apparatus and strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus. This also happens due to the fact that children do not perceive sound differences very well by ear. Therefore, pay more attention to the development of auditory attention, speech breathing, and the baby’s voice.

Every day the child’s interest in the world around him grows. He wants to know, touch, see, hear everything. Kids listen carefully to the explanations of adults and often begin to turn to them with questions (“What is this?”, “How?”, “Why?”, “Where?”, “What are you doing?”, etc.). Take advantage of this favorable moment, communicate more with your child, thereby accumulating his active and passive vocabulary. Treat children's questions with respect and give short, clear, understandable answers to them. It is very important that parents ask simple questions to the child: “What kind of hat does Tanya have?”, “What kind of dog does Uncle have?” By encouraging the child to answer our questions, we exercise and improve his ability to quickly and correctly use the vocabulary he has already acquired, and enrich him with new words. When developing speech, you need to take care not so much that the child pronounces as many words as possible, but that the heard and spoken words are supported by living images and the child’s experience. And for this, the child must be introduced to the real world of things, phenomena, events. It is necessary for the child to see with his own eyes, hear with his own ears, what they are talking about, and, if possible, act with his own hands (touch, rearrange, play). It is necessary to expand his personal experience, visually enrich his knowledge, enrich his perception of the outside world through the senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell, tactile sensations)Children of this age begin to feel the need to communicate not only with adults, but also with peers. If a child has difficulty communicating with other children, he needs help. When organizing any activity for your child, help him make verbal contact with his peers: “Help Sasha find a scoop,” “Ask Tanya for a ball, play together.” You can use the following techniques: “Let’s say it together,” “I’ll start, and you continue.” By doing this, you activate the child’s vocabulary, help him master the words of request, gratitude, and build his speech.With a 2-3 year old child, you can and should talk about what is now, at the moment, not in his field of vision, for example, what he saw this morning on a walk or what he did yesterday while visiting his grandmother. This not only develops his speech, but also trains his memory, teaches him to listen to someone else’s speech and understand it without visual accompaniment.

During this period (from 2 to 3 years), along with a very rapid replenishment of the vocabulary, children's speech is characterized by another feature. The most important stage in mastering the native language begins—mastering its grammatical structure. Grammar learning occurs very intensively. A child of the third year of life uses in speech various forms of verbs, all case forms of nouns, distinguishes between singular and plural, present and past tense of verbs. But grammatically the speech is not yet perfect. Children often confuse case endings, make mistakes in the use of plural nouns and in word agreement (“My doll”, “Delicious candy”). Children begin to distinguish words that are similar in sound and sometimes differ in one sound (spoon-cat-midge). Many children can match a word with a similar sounding word (small bird, bear-cone, spoon-potato, porridge-little).

Speech development is a process that a child goes through a number of stages. And there are indicative indicators of a child’s speech development at each age period. All standards for children’s speech development that exist in our country are the result of serious, long-term and in-depth scientific research into child development.

Indicators of speech development of children

Children from 2 years to 2 years 6 months

Speech understanding. There is a further development of understanding of the semantic content of the speech of others. You can talk with a child not only about events and phenomena perceived at the moment, but also about past (already familiar to the child) and future events.

The ability to imitate. Children easily repeat phrases, short poems, nursery rhymes.

Dictionary. Heard unfamiliar words and entire phrases become part of the children's vocabulary. The questions “Where?”, “When?”, “Why?” appear in their speech.

The grammatical structure of speech. Sentences become wordy, complex sentences appear, although not always grammatically correct.

Connected speech. Speech becomes the main means of communication not only with adults, but also with children. The child speaks a lot on a variety of occasions, on his own initiative and in response to someone else’s statements. In a word he defines his actions, desires, intentions.

Children from 2 years 6 months to 3 years

Speech understanding. A child can understand an adult’s meaning about events and phenomena that did not take place in his personal experience, but individual elements of which were directly perceived by the child (for example, seen in a picture).

Ability to imitate. They can easily reproduce heard short poems and songs, nursery rhymes, and jokes.

Dictionary. The vocabulary includes all parts of speech (except participles and gerunds). The volume of the dictionary increases rapidly: by the end of the third year to 1200-1500 words.

Grammatical structure of speech. Children speak in complex phrases.

Connected speech. Children talk about what they saw in several fragmentary phrases. Based on questions from an adult, they can convey the content of a previously heard fairy tale or story (with or without pictures)

Articulation. The pronunciation is mostly correct, with the exception of the “r” sound and sibilants.

These figures are “indicative”. They are like a guideline for us - a lighthouse on our journey through the sea of ​​child development. And we need to notice this beacon and understand what it is signaling to us.

Why is it important and necessary to know them? To track the dynamics of your baby's development. So that if you suddenly have problems, you can immediately notice them, contact a specialist - a speech therapist, and not waste precious time. To not just watch, but to see your baby - what is constantly changing in him, what new things he is learning, what he needs help with, where he is especially strong, and where he is not yet succeeding and needs to be supported with additional games and exercises.

This is important to know: When monitoring the development of a child’s speech, it is important not even how much he can now, but the dynamics in his development. And it is important to see that the baby is learning new things, that all the time his development is moving forward. But if there is no such movement, then there is reason to think. Two reasons may contribute to developmental delay:

1) Either we, adults, “lag behind” the child and give him old tasks that he has long outgrown. And it’s time to give him more complex tasks of verbal communication according to his age

For example, we understand the baby at a glance, we can immediately guess what he will need and what he wants. Why then does the child need to speak? She simply is not needed in his life! No speech! This is one of the reasons that a child does not develop speech on time - and a very common reason, which, fortunately, is easy to overcome and correct, and the baby will soon speak.

2) Or there are problems in the child’s development and it is worth consulting with specialists.

Be attentive to your baby. Love him, develop him, rejoice even in his smallest achievements!

At 2 years old, many children are already babbling. Their articulatory apparatus is actively developing. In addition to the simple sounds that they easily pronounced per year (vowels + “b”, “p”, “m”), more complex ones appear, like “f”, “v”, “sh”, “zh”, “s” , "h".

A child will hardly be able to pronounce the sounds “r” and “l” at 3 years old, since they are complex and appear closer to 5 and 6 years. So parents who come to children at the age of 3 with the problem “doesn’t say “r”” are doing it in vain. The main thing here is patience, the ability to observe your child and the confidence that everything has its time.

Don't worry if your baby mixes up syllables, doesn't pronounce the beginning of words, or, conversely, swallows the ending. This is not critical, because he recognizes speech, and such involuntary errors will occur in it up to 4 years.

By the age of 3, a child’s vocabulary, as a rule, is already 1.5 thousand words (or even more!).

Often the child’s silence becomes a cause for concern in the family. Mothers come to consultations with the words “he sees, hears, understands everything, but for some reason does not speak.”

It is worth noting that at 2-3 years old a child accumulates words and replenishes not only active, but also passive vocabulary. If you talk a lot with your child, read books, talk through your actions, but the child still does not show much interest in speech, check how well he perceives your instructions.

How to check if a child understands speech

At 2-3 years old, the baby should already follow the simplest instructions. For example, mom points to a cup and says: “Take a cup.” And the child fulfills the request. Moreover, many children are able to perceive complex instructions: “Go into the room and get the cup from the table.” If a child responds adequately to adults’ requests, but is limited in words, there is no need to focus on this yet.

Try to discuss with the baby what is happening around.

Don't limit yourself to sentences that only use simple words like tree, car, or dog. Dig a little deeper and increase your child’s passive vocabulary. For example, while walking in the park, tell us how maple differs from aspen or spruce. Disassemble whole “images” into parts: “Under the ground a tree has roots, above the ground there is a trunk, branches and leaves. All the leaves together with the branches are called the crown.”

What to do when a child is stubbornly silent

Of course, if a child does not speak at all at 3 years old, you need to little by little encourage him to do so, to make it interesting and beneficial for him. Typically, at 3 years 2 months, most children utter their first phrases, which consist of two words. For example, “mom, walk” or “mom, gu” (one of the words may be babbling).

The easiest way to loosen your child's tongue is to ask open-ended questions.

Sometimes parents believe that if they say something for their child, he will speak faster. No, this is a fallacy. In this case, the child simply does not have the need to speak. Why, if his mother already said everything for him?

Instead of asking “will you have porridge” before dinner and waiting for your baby to nod in agreement or shake his head in denial, ask him questions like: “What will you eat?” or “What will you eat: porridge or soup?” This will encourage him to speak.

Also, parents do not need to respond to the child’s “silent” questions (when the child tries to figure out something without words - this is especially true if the child does not speak at all). For example: a baby points at food and starts crying. Mom asks worriedly: “Do you want this? This? This?" And the child nods his head. You need to calmly say: “Darling, I don’t understand you, what do you want? Say it in words, please, I can’t understand what you’re asking” (affectionately, with sympathy).

Speech development of a child at 2 years old. Teach how to get to know guys on... Talk through every situation, achieving the same thing. It is important to include...

Speech is the most important tool of human communication. The beginning of speech activity is associated with the appearance of active speaking. By the first year of life, a child’s active vocabulary can range from three to fifty words: this is the time of accumulation of passive vocabulary.

By the age of two, the vocabulary is actively expanding, the baby begins to construct the first simple sentences. As for the number of words used, there is no single norm. Each baby develops individually, and the often mentioned norm of 200-300 words cannot be considered mandatory. Some people have fifty word forms in their active vocabulary, while others use more than a thousand words. If the baby’s physical and mental health is normal, there is no need to worry about a small vocabulary.

Thematic material:

But this does not mean that speech does not need to be developed. It is the child’s speech, along with intellectual and physical development, that should become the main task of parents and teachers.

Features of speech development of a 2-year-old baby

The first attempts of a two-year-old child to connect words into the simplest sentences “There is no juice at home”, “Mom has left” make parents happy. However, you need to pay attention to incorrect pronunciation or “swallowing” of sounds, correcting the child, giving him a clear articulatory pattern. If you don’t do this or, worse, lisp with the baby, the incorrect pronunciation will become fixed, and you will need to retrain the baby and work with a speech therapist.

A feature of speech activity at this age is that the child calls himself by name, in the third person. He knows the simplest formulas of politeness and knows how to use them correctly. Can describe simple objects, the appearance of a familiar person, his actions, feelings, read one or two quatrains, tell a fairy tale.

The tasks of speech development in children 2-3 years old are as follows:

  • teach your child to talk about himself in the first person, to use personal pronouns “I”, “we”, “you”, “he”;
  • build correct phrases;
  • correctly change the forms of verbs by persons and numbers;
  • correctly pronounce the consonants “r”, “m”, “l”.

You can only work on your speech in a playful way. For example, joint activities will help to master verbal wisdom (“I draw a house, you draw a house, grandma also draws a house!”). Playing with animal dolls perfectly trains logical and imaginative thinking, and “voicing” toys helps to practice sounds (“What does the dog say? R-rr-r-r!”, “The turkey mutters: “Boo-boo-boo!”).

It is important to start socializing the baby: teach him to get to know the kids on the playground, ask questions and answer them. Every walk together is precious time that can and should be used for the development of the baby. There are many options for work: describing the state of nature, pronouncing your actions and feelings, learning new objects, words, titles, names.

Ways to develop speech

It is absolutely necessary to develop a child’s speech at the age of two. At the same time, the adult must demand speech culture from himself, since it is his expressions and intonations that the baby will copy. What can you do?

Method No. 1

Create speech situations in which the baby must use active speech.

Method No. 2

Be sure to listen to the child to the end, giving him the opportunity to formulate and express his thoughts, even if it is understandable to an adult.

Method No. 3

Introduce commonly used vocabulary, replacing onomatopoeia (“ko-ko” - chicken, “tops-tops” - shoes, “meow-meow” - kitty).

Method No. 4

Articulate words, achieving clear sound. Practice by training your speech apparatus and forming the correct air flow. It's not difficult at all. The simplest, but very effective exercises: lick your lips smeared with honey, tease your reflection in the mirror, imitate the clatter of horse hooves, blow a thread from your palm, blow soap bubbles, adjust a paper boat by inflating its “sails.”

Thematic material:

Method No. 5

Use words from all main parts of speech.

Method number 6

Constantly work on expanding the child’s vocabulary, moving it from passive to active. Learn to compare and generalize, name signs and characteristics: color, shape, size, position in space.

Method No. 7

The importance of speech practice

The development of children's speech should be based on constant speech practice. The child should be able to answer the question about what is happening or what is drawn in the picture. You can talk through each situation, achieving the same from the baby. It is important to include adjectives in your speech in order to express your thoughts more accurately and clearly.

If a child is reluctant to listen to books, it doesn’t matter. You can sing him songs, tell him fairy tales, and make him a participant in impromptu skits. Finger toys or hand toys, with which you can perform home theater performances, provide excellent opportunities for developing creative thinking and speech.

It is necessary to develop spatial thinking by introducing prepositions, adverbs, and pronouns into the child’s speech. Learn to compare objects using comparative constructions, as well as divide an object into parts and describe it (“A book consists of a cover and pages. There is one cover, but there are many pages. The cover is thick, but the pages are thin!”)

Purposeful work on developing the speech of a two-year-old child will help him communicate more easily, develop all types of thinking, give him confidence and become the key to success.

How the first words of their beloved children warm the hearts of parents! They need to learn so many words, repeat them, and then reproduce them correctly that they simply cannot do without our help. Experts recommend starting to talk to your baby, singing songs to him, reading fairy tales as early as the third trimester of pregnancy (this way he will quickly get used to your voice and after his birth he will quickly recognize you) and not stop after his birth.

The baby begins to pronounce the first “babbling” words at about 5–6 months: “cha-cha, boo-boo, pa-pa, ba-ba, ma-ma.” Many people think that these are words, but, in fact, they are just sounds that the baby is trying to repeat after us. Conscious “mom, dad”, etc.. The child pronounces it closer to the age of one year. And by his second birthday, he already knows a certain number of words, which is enough to communicate with adults.

Features of speech development in children aged 2–3 years

Speech development goals at 2 years old

Let us definitely say that there are no clear standards; each baby is individual. Your child can (MUST NOT!!!) achieve certain speech skills by the age of two, and these are:

  • Use about 300 words in your vocabulary.
  • Use intonation when communicating.
  • Make sentences of 2-3 words.
  • Use conjunctions, pronouns and prepositions when communicating.
  • When communicating, use facial expressions and gestures.

But still, if your baby hasn't started talking by two years, it is initially desirable to establish the cause of delayed speech development.

The main causes of delayed speech development in children

  • Heredity. Perhaps there are relatives in the family for whom the period of “talking” was prolonged.
  • Parents pay little attention to their child.
  • Deafness.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.

What to do if the baby has not spoken by the age of 2?

How to develop speech in children 2–3 years old?

Work with your baby on clear and precise pronunciation of words and sounds, while the voice should be calm. You cannot repeat the incorrect pronunciation of words after your child so that it does not stick. Help him build his vocabulary by reading fairy tales, poems, songs. For comprehensive development, the baby needs to understand and understand colors, sizes, shapes and quantities of objects well. This knowledge is best consolidated in a playful form: activities with pyramids, multi-colored construction sets, cubes of various sizes and geometric shapes. While playing with an adult, the baby gradually remembers the qualities of objects and develops fine motor skills.

To expand your vocabulary, it is very useful to analyze the pictures together with your child in detail, focusing your attention on the specific actions of the characters depicted on them. Examine and tell your child about household items, for example, “the closet - they store panties and skirts.”

To master coherent speech, help with correct judgment: the grass is green and the leaf is green. It is imperative to pay attention to the pronunciation of words. It turns out the child is still young, but you need to correct him and try to put sounds and pronounce words correctly.

Classes for speech development of children 2–3 years old

How to improve the speech development of children 2–3 years old

It is necessary to communicate with the child more often, while pronouncing the speech clearly, calmly and in short, understandable sentences. Encourage him to talk: ask questions and ask for his opinion. It is important to speak clearly my actions: “I take a book and sit down to read.” On the street, focusing on all sorts of details, giving them characteristics, this will help significantly expand the toddler’s vocabulary.

Very often, babies swallow sounds; to eliminate this speech defect, you need to work with them. A child will learn to pronounce the sound “a” if he is shown how Lala cries: “aaaaaaa.” At the same time, he should also show you how Lala cries? To practice the names of objects with sounds that are difficult to pronounce, show your baby pictures of these objects and pronounce their names slowly and clearly, repeating several times. Another good activity for practicing sounds: put toys of different animals in front of the baby and go up to them to get to know them, but the conversation should be in their language.

To teach a child to correctly formulate and express complex sentences, you need to work on his correct breathing and develop his articulatory apparatus (tongue twisters will be of great benefit here). Children's speech development is well promoted rhymes with counting rhymes, as well as riddles that need to be made and then guessed together with the baby. Riddles develop imagination and creative thinking well, and children become more observant. Such activities will allow the child to remember several riddles and use them in games with children.

The baby will perceive information, heard aurally, and not just visually (from pictures), if you work with him to expand your speech skills:

Remember, if a child does not speak at 2 years old, then there is no need to panic. You definitely need to be examined by specialists if a child is completely silent at 3 years old. Love your children, conduct classes with them, develop memory, thinking and speech, and modern techniques will help you with this. Good luck.

The development of a child’s speech at home at a very young age is not just learning a language, but the very formation of the communication process. Do not leave your child alone with this difficult task, help him develop this skill.

Where to start developing speech at home

First of all, parents should be clearly aware of how their child’s speaking skills are developing. It is necessary to understand how the child’s speech develops in comparison with accepted standards and in relation to his other peers. Do not attribute the child’s lack of speech to some “peculiarities”. This may complicate his further development.

Attention parents - happy baby at home!

See how your baby talks compared to his peers. Select the time frame when the first humming and babbling appeared, when the baby began to try to pronounce the first phrases. Form the child’s active and passive vocabulary, what he pronounces himself, and what he does not pronounce, but understands. This technique will help you thoroughly analyze speech and understand how development is proceeding, whether there are gaps and the need to eliminate them.

What is the best way to develop speech in a 2 year old child?

If you help your child, his speech development will go much faster. There are a few main points that you can really help with:

  • Create a developmental environment around your child. Talk to him as much as possible, discuss all the events that happen with him, take part in his activities.
  • Speak in normal language, try not to lisp. Remember that children receive words, their pronunciation and meaning at an early stage of development only from their parents and loved ones around them.
  • Organize some kind of classes to develop speech skills, where you will explain new words to the child, correct what he says incorrectly, etc. All classes should be conducted in the form of a game.
  • Develop speech understanding skills. The child should understand well all the words that you pronounce. Expand his passive vocabulary not only with concepts, but also with definitions of state, action, etc.

In the early stages, try to give your child only those concepts that he can personally encounter. These could be names of colors, actions, surrounding objects, animals, etc. Add games to all your lessons and your child will be happy with the attention you receive.

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