Sytin's attitude against obesity. Anti-obesity mindset

In most cases, obesity is a variant of a psychosomatic disease, the origins of which are found in human psychological problems. By consuming excess amounts of food, a person strives, using physiological mechanisms, to induce a feeling of pleasure and drown out unpleasant emotions, such as irritation and anxiety.

Accordingly, one of the most popular methods of reducing excess weight relies on the use of psychological techniques. In particular, the famous Russian psychologist G.N. Sytin proposed the method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the human condition (SOEVUS), also known as the “method of healing attitudes.” It consists of repeated systematic reading or listening to self-hypnosis formulas in order to control the human condition.

Sytin’s moods are designed in such a way as to form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, tirelessness and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the condition. Thus, Sytin’s method is a method of psychocorrection of somatic structures. Like other methods of self-hypnosis, it gives a powerful effect with long-term systematic use. You can speak the mood to yourself, listen to an audio recording, or watch a video. Before starting self-hypnosis, you need to relax and get rid of extraneous thoughts.

Mood text:

“A life-giving newborn life is pouring into me, a huge, colossal life-giving force is pouring into me. Newborn life is life-giving, life-giving, life-giving: it gives birth to a newborn-young strong body, it gives birth to a newborn-youthful beautiful physique, it gives birth to a light-flexible figure, it gives birth to a beautiful thin youthful waist. Under the colossal force of life throughout the body, excess fat quickly burns, burns, burns until it disappears completely. Under the colossal energy of life, all the excess fat of the abdominal area: both on top of the abdominal muscles and inside the abdominal cavity quickly, quickly burns-burns-burns-disappears-disappears-disappears, newborn life gives birth to a newborn-young skinny-sunken, skinny-sunken, skinny- a sunken youthful belly, a thin youthful waist is born. I hate the extra fat that weighs down my body, spoiling my slender young figure, with the strongest, fiercest hatred. Under my fierce hatred, all excess fat quickly burns, burns, burns until it completely disappears. A slender, flexible young figure is born.
I constantly control my food: I do not allow myself to eat excess food, I do not eat more than what my body needs to maintain an intense, energetic, fun life. I hate overeating with the strongest, fiercest hatred, I once and for all forbade myself to eat extra food, and no force can force me to eat what I consider unnecessary.
In my mind, I figure out what I need to eat for a healthy, energetic life, and I won’t eat one extra spoon, one extra bite. I am aiming for a slender young figure now and in thirty years, and in fifty years, and in a hundred years. I am determined to maintain a newborn-youthful physique, to maintain a thin youthful waist through many decades, through my entire life. And my entire body unconditionally and unquestioningly fulfills my will, mobilizes all its limitless reserves for the precise fulfillment of my desire to always maintain a slender young figure, a thin young waist, a skinny, sunken young belly. And therefore, now, and in thirty years, and in fifty years, and in a hundred years, I will have a young, slender, beautiful figure.
I have a strong will, I dare everything, I can do everything and am not afraid of anything, I can always control my food and not eat too much. I have the strongest self-control. I clearly and firmly remember that I always need to control my food and not eat anything unnecessary. I clearly feel the needs of my body, I always know exactly how much I need to eat for a healthy, energetic life.”

Excess weight is a common problem in modern society. Sytin’s attitude towards losing weight is the first step towards solving this problem, whatever the reasons.

Completeness can be promoted by:

  • endocrine system diseases
  • impaired metabolism
  • habit of eating a lot of fatty and sweet foods
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • mental disorders

Food and emotional disorders

What to do if extra pounds appear when you are in a bad mood or depressed? On a subconscious level, a person, feeling emotional discomfort, eats his mood with the food that his mother prepared for him in childhood. There is an association with inner peace and security, as in childhood.

Some foods, chocolate for example, can cause a feeling of contentment. In any case, this is what is commonly believed in society, although this has not been scientifically proven. And yet, chocolate is called an antidepressant, and you can also get unnecessary fat layers.

Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, lethargic mood, and unreasonable aggression. And, instead of getting enough sleep, you eat your mood with buns. For a short time, the illusion appears that the internal state is returning to normal.

Under unfavorable life circumstances, you experience emotional hunger that you want to quickly satisfy. The only way to do this is to eat something delicious. But the feeling of contentment quickly passes, and dependence on food appears. Such meals, like a drug, balance the emotional background, but not for long. This vicious circle does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it. And diets will not help here; rather, they will harm your physical health. Therefore, if excess weight is caused by psycho-emotional disorders, then you need to “treat” your thinking.

Sytin's sentiments - why can they be trusted?

Methods of psychological attitude were developed by the Soviet scientist Georgy Sytin. The psychotherapist has 50 years of experience. They are a new direction in medicine, called SOEVUS - verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of the condition.

Georgy Nikolaevich was awarded a gold medal for “Scientific Services”, a silver medal “Honorary Professor”, and has a diploma named after. Yu. A. Gagarin for training cosmonauts, and also has the Order “Science. Education. Culture."

During the Second World War, Georgy received severe injuries and disability, the first group. The words of the doctors: “You can’t live long with such injuries” did not reassure the young man. Georgy Sytin is one of those people who put himself on his feet on his own, where medicine had already done nothing. He applied his first psychological attitude to himself: “I am an absolutely healthy and strong person with willpower. I can control my body. The pain recedes from every cell of my body.” The young man managed to overcome the disease and decided to devote his life to helping people. With his SOEVUS method, Georgy Sytin helped more than 80,000 people get rid of diseases and invented 20,000 mindsets, including the mindset for losing weight.

How to work with attitude

This method is not hypnosis and does not “program” the functioning of the psyche. You have to say the right words at the right pace. This way your brain receives a signal about the task you have set. A certain mood is created in your inner world that rejects the desire to eat too much.

When going on a diet, the main thing is to prepare yourself psychologically. You prepare your brain for the fact that changes will soon occur in your body, and you will not fall off the diet, and your body will easily cope with the task.

When setting yourself up to lose weight, do not expect instant results, continue to work patiently. It will take time before you begin to control the amount of food you consume. This will happen naturally and effortlessly. There will be no need to force yourself.

The moods need to be regularly listened to or read aloud. You need to choose a mood for yourself that you will feel with every cell of your body. The words are pronounced clearly, the meaning should be close to your inner state. The intonation of the voice should be convincing. While listening to the recording, use your imagination as much as possible, try to mentally imagine images.

If you are skeptical about psychological attitudes, then don’t expect results. Irony is not allowed. After all, even before any operation, rehabilitators prepare the patient’s body and spirit. It’s the same with losing weight: we set up our brain so that it will control the body. Sytin’s method for losing weight will give you an impetus, and you will no longer say to yourself: “tomorrow I’ll go on a diet”, “tomorrow I’ll start running, and today...”.

Healing moods will not do a miracle, they help develop willpower and activate your personality. You will have an irresistible desire to change your way of life. Thanks to attitudes, a new idea of ​​oneself is formed. Your brain begins to accept these changes over time.

Weight loss mindset

  • I have a strong will, I’m not afraid of anything, I can do anything. I am able to control the amount of food I eat. I control myself not to eat anything extra. I know how much I should eat to lead an energetic and healthy lifestyle.
  • Now I am setting myself up for a beautiful and slim figure. My new slim figure will last in 10, 20, 50, 100 years. I set my body up to always be slim, strong, young, and beautiful. My body listens to me unconditionally. He cannot disobey me, because I have willpower and it will only happen the way I want and nothing else. My stomach will be sunken and my body will be toned. And it will always be this way, because I know how to control my desires, my body is completely subject to my will.
  • I feel power pouring into me - life-giving power. It transforms my body, it becomes elastic, slender, beautiful. There is no place for fat and extra pounds. It is so beautiful and slender that I am ready to admire it myself. The colossal energy that I let into every cell of my body made me unusually beautiful, slim, and flexible. I am so graceful that my walk is light. I don't feel any heaviness in my body at all.

Choose your mood and start working. At the same time, remember that breakfast should be mandatory. It should consist of carbohydrates - sources of energy. If you ignore breakfast, you will want to eat in the afternoon. And this is not desirable. Don't starve yourself during the day, have small snacks more often, but in small quantities.

Physical exercise is also necessary. Running helps a lot here. You also need to run correctly. Choose a rhythm for yourself and run at that rhythm for 15-40 minutes. Increase your jogging time gradually. If running is hard, then let it be a very fast walk, the main thing is not to change the pace. While you run, listen to a recording of your weight loss mindset.

A life-giving newborn life is pouring into me, a huge, colossal life-giving force is pouring into me. Newborn life is life-giving, life-giving, life-giving: it gives birth to a newborn-youthful strong body, it gives birth to a newborn-youthful beautiful physique, it gives birth to a light-flexible figure, it gives birth to a beautiful thin youthful waist. Under the colossal force of life throughout the body, excess fat quickly burns, burns, burns until it disappears completely. Under the colossal energy of life, all the excess fat of the abdominal area: both on top of the abdominal muscles and inside the abdominal cavity quickly, quickly burns-burns-burns-disappears-disappears-disappears, newborn life gives birth to a newborn-young skinny-sunken, skinny-sunken, skinny- a sunken youthful belly, a thin youthful waist is born.

I hate the extra fat that weighs down my body, spoiling my slender young figure, with the strongest, fiercest hatred. Under my fierce hatred, all excess fat quickly burns, burns, burns until it completely disappears. A slender, flexible young figure is born.

I constantly control my food: I do not allow myself to eat excess food, I eat no more than my body needs to maintain an intense, energetic, fun life. I hate overeating with the strongest, fiercest hatred, I have once and for all forbidden myself to eat extra food, and no force can force me to eat what I consider unnecessary.

In my mind, I figure out what I need to eat for a healthy, energetic life, and I won’t eat one extra spoon, one extra bite.

I am aiming for a slender young figure now and in thirty years, and in fifty years, and in a hundred years. I am determined to maintain a newborn physique, to maintain a thin youthful waist through many decades, through my entire life. And my entire body unconditionally and unquestioningly fulfills my will, mobilizes all its limitless reserves for the precise fulfillment of my desire to always maintain a slender young figure, a thin young waist, a skinny, sunken young belly. And therefore, now, and in thirty years, and in fifty years, and in a hundred years, I will have a young, slender, beautiful figure.

I have a strong will, I dare everything, I can do everything and am not afraid of anything, I can always control my food and not eat too much. I have the strongest self-control. I clearly and firmly remember that I always need to control my food and not eat anything unnecessary.

I clearly feel the needs of my body, I always know exactly how much I need to eat for a healthy, energetic life.

When following any diet to burn excess weight, it is important to properly set yourself up for a positive result. Listening or reading Sytin’s psychological attitude towards losing weight is the right step towards solving the problem. You can use the technique at any stage of the fight against excess body weight. The principle of auto-training is to pronounce the correct words in a certain rhythm.

Who is Doctor Sytin

A medical psychotherapist with half a century of experience, Soviet scientist Georgy Sytin created a unique technique of self-persuasion aimed at speedy recovery of the body and helping to lose weight. Sytin’s attitude was recognized as a new stage in the development of medicine, and the author himself was awarded a medal for “Scientific Services to the Fatherland.” The official name of the training is verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of consciousness (SOEVUS).

The psychologist applied the first attitude to himself when, during World War II, Sytin received serious injuries that did not foretell his recovery. Using colossal willpower, the young man managed to resist the disease when doctors were only waving their hands. After this incident, Georgy decided to help people who found themselves in a similar situation, devoting his entire life to studying the capabilities of the human subconscious. The mood for losing weight is included in 20 thousand other methods developed by Sytin.

What is Sytin’s mood for losing weight?

The key problem with obesity is the inability to control the amount of food eaten. While not hypnosis or a type of neuroprogramming, Sytin’s mood motivates creative activity, weight loss, and fills the inner space with positive thoughts about slimness and beauty. The technique allows you to cope with the psychology of overeating by developing special “stop signals” during the meal. Subsequently, the body learns to obtain energy from a smaller volume of foods and easily switches to a new regime.


The meaning of the philosopher Sytin’s attitude is that a person who wants to lose extra pounds must correctly pronounce the desired text at a certain pace while observing a specific intonation. With full concentration, signals are sent to the brain to carry out the assigned tasks. This kind of conspiracy has a healing effect on the functioning of the whole body, promoting gradual weight loss.


Sytin’s goals for losing weight do not negatively affect the trainee’s psyche. The mood was subjected to a laboratory test, during which the state of the brain was observed. The human reaction to phrases used in persuasion amazed the researchers. The final text of the mood included words that showed the highest results of influencing brain function.

How to use Sytin's mood

Typical forms of auto-training for weight loss are based on the principle of using the first degree of volitional effort and minimal tension in the formation of thoughts. This approach involves less fatigue for a person when using Sytin’s attitude. There are recommendations that can help you achieve the desired effect without much difficulty:

  • Assimilation of Sytin’s instructions for losing weight is easier if you listen to them on a recording device.
  • It is better to say the spell out loud, pronouncing each word confidently and consciously. If this is not possible, try to clearly express your thoughts to yourself.
  • When reading the mood, the tone of the text should be firm, convincing, without a hint of pathos or frivolity.
  • When listening to the mood at home, you need to fully concentrate on psychological practice, but not relax, but be active.
  • Before reading or listening to a course, you should prepare yourself for the upcoming changes. For this purpose, you can use the introductory installation using the SOEVUS method.
  • It is necessary to continue to assimilate the practice until the state comes in accordance with the words from the mood.
  • You can emphasize those fragments that a person likes or suits most by listening and speaking them several times.
  • You need to try to remember the words of the mood, then the brightness of perception of the semantic load of the text and the effectiveness of mastering the method of self-hypnosis will increase.


The method of psychologist Sytin awakens and activates internal energy, directing all potential to solve problems important to the body. With the help of imagination, persistent images of health, beauty, happiness, strength are formed, which do not lose their outline even after stopping the practice. The positive impact of phrases can only be strengthened by consciously reading the setting, pronouncing each word. This stimulates willpower to manage the condition.


Sytin’s psychological attitude is often listened to by people who find it difficult to lose weight using diets or physical exercise. To gain self-confidence and lose excess weight, it is recommended to carefully choose a plot. You should like the text of the auto-training itself, as well as the voice of the person voicing it. Installation options are available for download in audio and video formats.

Video: mood to lose weight


Karina, 44 years old

No matter what methods I used to lose weight, I didn’t have enough willpower to complete the job. Sytina decided to read the sentiments after seeing many positive reviews on the forum. I can’t say that I gained more self-confidence, but the motivation to transform myself did appear. I started losing weight after three months.

Inna, 37 years old

Due to problems with the thyroid gland, obesity appeared, and with it complexes. It was not possible to lose weight using standard methods. While talking with a friend, I learned about Sytin’s developments. I listened to the sentiments for healing, to be honest, skeptically, but then I realized that changes were really happening inside. With a weight of 93 kg, I lost 7 kg. I still use the texts.

Daria, 53 years old

I learned about Dr. Sytin’s attitude from a friend’s review two years ago. Having become interested in this topic, I began to search for information. I chose a simple short text aimed at losing weight and began to read it. After several such rituals, I felt a surge of energy and a desire to become younger. The lifestyle changed on its own. Now my weight is 58 kg, and was 74.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Sytin's mood He helped hundreds of people find a healthy and beautiful body. These are unique techniques for removing psychological barriers and motivating your body to heal and rejuvenate. Today we invite you to learn more about Sytin’s plans for losing weight – what they are, how to use them and where to get them.

The history of the emergence of Sytin’s sentiments

When losing weight, we pay a lot of attention to organizing proper nutrition, sports training and daily routine. But we don’t always get the desired result even with the most correct approaches. Why is this happening? The reason for this is often the fact that our thoughts are at odds with what we do. The right psychological attitude, motivation, self-confidence is already half the success.

Practical proof of this was provided by the Soviet academician Georgy Sytin, who developed a whole system of psychological attitudes for success in healing the body. Georgy Nikolaevich himself became the first to apply this technique for his own recovery. Having received deep wounds during the Great Patriotic War that were hardly compatible with life, he became practically disabled...

At 85 years old, according to medical research, his biological age was 37-40 years. Incredible? But this is a fact. Georgy Sytin, who later became an academician of medical sciences, developed a method of influencing the body with psychological attitudes that make it possible to mobilize the body’s internal reserves for healing.

What is the essence of Sytin’s intentions to lose weight?

Sytin's moods, as a method of healing, relate to the verbal-figurative emotional-volitional method of self-persuasion. Moreover, his technique is widespread not only in our country, but also abroad. In-depth studies of Sytin’s attitudes were carried out at the International Research University, on their basis new attitudes were developed that touch the deep mechanisms of consciousness and encourage the body to act on its own improvement.

Sytin’s mood for losing weight is not hypnosis or a method of neuroprogramming. They do not interfere negatively with the functioning of the human psyche. The essence of moods is that the right words spoken in the right rhythm and tone give a signal to the brain to perform specific tasks.

Words for technology are selected most carefully. Each mood underwent a clinical study - through sensors attached to patients, observations were made of the brain’s reaction to a particular phrase. For the final text, the most effective words were selected that had a high impact on brain activity.

All Sytin's moods are positive character, motivate creative activity, fill a person’s entire existence with thoughts about his beauty, youth, and slimness.

The main problem of fat people is overeating. This is a psychological problem that has physical consequences. The mindset according to Sytin’s method helps to cope with the psychology of overeating, directs the brain to the ability to produce “stop signals” while eating, sets you up for getting energy from the right food in small quantities and getting satisfaction from a new lifestyle.

Many who use Sytin’s method for losing weight gratefully recommend it to other people suffering from excess weight. Of course, patients lose weight because, with the help of attitudes, they refocus on proper nutrition and mobility - something that was previously difficult for them due to psychological barriers.

Where can I get Sytin’s sentiments?

You can find Sytin’s tunes yourself for free sale, or download versions of some of the most common recordings on the Internet. Before using any audio recording, we advise you to listen to it. It is very important how exactly the voice of the reader will influence you. For some people, the vibration of the reader’s voice will be pleasant and stimulating, while for others it will have a negative connotation.

How to correctly use Sytin's moods?

How to read sentiment is important. The voice should be confident, calm, without pathos or strong emotionality. You need to read with the knowledge that every word of the mood has the most direct relation to you. Get it - just know, not believe. It is known that every faith gives rise to doubt, but knowledge will not allow doubt.

It is also recommended to read the moods not in a relaxed state, like audio trainings or affirmations, but in active. You can move at the same time, for example, turn on an audio recording of your mood while jogging or walking in the fresh air.

“The main rule is that all the attention of the brain should be given to the words of the mood.”

The frequency of listening or reading the text is set independently, depending on the depth of the problem. Of course, daily work on your own will will lead to results.

So, let’s summarize the basic principles of Sytin’s weight loss mindset:

1. Daily reading or listening to moods.

2. One hundred percent concentration on the mood.

3. Combining listening to the mood with active movement.

With all the undeniable effectiveness of the attitudes, you must understand that the Sytin method is a psychological attitude towards losing weight, and you will get a slim body if you eat right and lead an active life. And it is Sytin’s technique that will be able to properly set you up for a healthy lifestyle.

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