How to make a simple New Year's toy with your own hands. New DIY Christmas tree decorations, photo

There are only a few days left before the New Year and Christmas, Christmas tree decorations have been purchased or taken from the back shelves of pantries and mezzanines, all that remains is to hang them in their places. But if, due to some set of circumstances, you have nothing to decorate your house for the New Year, then for a change you can build New Year’s toys with your own hands. This process is not complicated, interesting and will not take as much time as it seems at first glance, and the result of the handicraft will certainly please its creator.

A little about the tradition of making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands

It so happened that in our pre-revolutionary country the Christmas tree was erected only for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. At that time, the production of toys was poorly established, and the main symbol of the winter celebration was ennobled with attributes brought to the country from Germany, or with decorations of their own production, which reflected the events taking place in the world.

They decorated holiday trees with apples to honor the tree of Good and Evil. Candle products and angels were a reflection of purity, and the six-pointed star was a memorable symbol of the Bethlehem miracle of the Nativity of Christ.

After the revolutionary upsurge, a ban was imposed on the celebration of this bright holiday, but the tradition did not sink into oblivion, but continued to exist. At that time, underground organizations were formed for the production of Christmas tree decorations, which were distinguished by their simplicity and simplicity.

Nothing could destroy the “spirit of Christmas,” so the tree became legal again in 1935, although it was already a symbol of the New Year. It was then that the Christmas tree decoration underwent serious changes, which did not stop from year to year, but became more diverse and perfect. Not only the form of decorations changed, but also their content.

Now is the time when you can openly trace the life and traditions of previous generations. However, now it is possible to purchase not only an ordinary holiday toy, stamped at a mass production factory, but also to create unique New Year’s decorations with your own hands, using modern materials.

DIY New Year's toys

What materials can you use to make your own Christmas tree decorations?

In general, Christmas tree decorations can be made from almost any material. Therefore, before you throw something away, think about whether it might make an original decoration for your New Year tree. Below we have given just a few examples of how you can create New Year's masterpieces from simple things.

DIY gingerbread toys for the Christmas tree

Decorations made from gingerbread and cookies have quite ancient roots; they are also traditional in our country. Nowadays a huge number of dyes of all colors and names are sold, but in the old days gingerbread cookies were covered with glaze and gold or silver foil. In special cases, gold leaf was used, which was so thin that it was impossible to separate it from the product itself, so confectionery products were eaten with it.

DIY New Year toys made from salt dough

Salt dough toys also have a traditional focus. However, they are completely unsuitable for food, despite the fact that just by looking at them they cause appetite. They also differ from gingerbread cookies in their long shelf life and ease of production.

A simple recipe: To make the dough you will need only 1 cup of salt, 2 cups of flour and approximately 250 grams of cool water. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, then the dough is kneaded and rolled out.

You can cut out various figures from the rolled out dough, which can later be given color using paints. But first, salt dough products need long-term drying. They need to be dried in the open air for two to three days. There is a faster option, which takes from six to twelve hours: the figures are placed in the oven with the door open (the oven should be set to the average heating temperature).

Finished products are decorated with paints or decorated with various shells, buttons, beads and stones. If you don’t have time for a long enough coloring process, then it is recommended to mix dye with water, flour and salt.

It is better to create New Year's toys from salt dough (as, indeed, from any other materials) with children. In this case, you will combine business with pleasure; in addition, joint creativity will allow you to concentrate entirely on the task at hand, and not be distracted by childish pranks.

DIY New Year's toy made of beads and seed beads

There is nothing more elementary than collecting beads onto a common thread or wire, which is then given the desired shape. This method allows you to create jewelry of completely different sizes and character.

If you want something truly unusual, you can sew beads on scraps of fabric with a complex texture; this will add more variety to the production process.

Christmas tree decorations made from pompoms

Everything inside is filled with warmth just by looking at the charming owls or sheep decorating the branches of the New Year's tree. There is a feeling that just a couple of minutes ago they came out of the pages of fairy-tale children's publications.

To make such toys you need threads, preferably thick ones, then you will need much less of them, a small amount of cardboard, glue and decorative eyes, which can also be drawn if you couldn’t find ready-made ones in the store.

Threads are wound onto a pre-cut cardboard circle, then they are cut along the edge of the cardboard blank, which is subsequently removed. The resulting thread model is tightly tied in the center with the same thread and fluffed, then the desired image is formed, eyes, hoof horns, etc. are added.

How to make a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a snowman from rice and socks

This is an easy-to-make, but very effective New Year’s craft, which is gaining more and more popularity among those who like to make things with their own hands.

It is not necessary to buy new socks to create such a New Year's decoration; a fairly worn pair of socks will do just fine, even though they may have become thin at one time.

Cut off the nose part near the heel, pour a small amount of rice inside and tie the edge well with a strong thread. Now divide the workpiece approximately in half and tie it in the middle with a beautiful ribbon or strip of knitted fabric. Thus, you have formed the head and body of the snowman. All that remains is to decorate the craft.

You can place a cut from the top of the sock on the head, first tying it with braid or thread along the cut line, thereby getting a funny hat. But you shouldn’t stop there, since the body of the newly-minted Christmas tree toy can be trimmed with beads or various buttons, and the face is carefully drawn with mother’s shadows, pencils and fondants.

Snowman made from a sock in 15 minutes

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands from threads

Making New Year's toys from threads is very similar to the process of making decorations from pompoms. You will need the same materials: threads, glue, cardboard. However, there is one difference, which is the structure of the threads, which must be silky in order for the New Year's decoration to be more interesting.

Figures of various shapes are cut out of cardboard, which can be replaced with foam plastic. Then they are wrapped with yarn on top. Next comes the decorating process, where all sorts of beads, rhinestones, bows and so on are used.

DIY felt toys for the Christmas tree

Felt makes very beautiful Christmas tree decorations, giving the tree a special atmosphere that harmonizes perfectly with the spirit of the holiday itself. Felt decorations seem to break the time barrier, taking you back to the past and allowing you to plunge into the world of mysteries and New Year's magic. They are simple to make. Cut out the figure according to the template in two copies and sew the blanks together, stuffing a little cotton wool or padding polyester inside. Decorate the resulting craft with beads, seed beads, ribbons, and pieces of felt of a different color.

How to make New Year's toys from twigs, wire, straw

If you have wire, straw or ordinary tree branches on hand, try making your own New Year's toys from these materials. They are flexible enough to carry out various kinds of manipulations with them. You can pre-coat them with spray paint.

How to make a New Year's toy from foam plastic with your own hands

There is nothing simpler than toys made of foam plastic, which first needs to be shaped into some geometric figure or, for example, a heart, and then decorated.

Various decorative ribbons, beads, fabrics, sparkles and beads are the most common materials for decorating foam Christmas tree decorations. To securely attach decorative elements with a foam base, you need to use transparent superglue.

Ready-made Christmas tree decorations made from this material, sold in shopping centers, often have an unreasonably high cost. Moreover, such decorations can be found in many homes, which cannot be said about handmade toys, which look no less attractive and original, and their cost is absolutely delightful.

DIY paper Christmas toys

Paper is the simplest and most common material from which you can make Christmas tree decorations. Each of us at least once in childhood created New Year's crafts from this material. With the help of paper, with skillful hands, you can create memorable New Year's toys that will show off on the Christmas tree and delight the eye. Moreover, you can use not only colored paper, but also newspapers, if such a design suits your taste.

Not only funny cones are made from paper, but also real balls made using the origami technique. The process of creating paper balls is sometimes quite long and difficult, but the good thing about this method is that thanks to it you can make very simple toys that will look great in any case.

There are fewer and fewer days left until the New Year. Christmas trees are already being installed in the squares, and shops are full of colorful decorations. Therefore, we are preparing for this solemn event. After all, it is on New Year’s Eve that you want to believe in a miracle and make a cherished wish.

Children are especially looking forward to this holiday. They prepare delicious treats for Santa Claus, write him a letter and tell him how well they behaved all year. And the parents are in charge of all this. Therefore, the New Year is a real family holiday. Well, the most important event on New Year's Eve is decorating the Christmas tree. The whole family usually does this.

Of course, store-bought Christmas tree decorations are beautiful, but how nice it is to make the toys yourself, and especially with your children. And don’t think that they will be worse than store-bought ones; if you try and be patient, you will end up with a wonderful set of jewelry for your green beauty.

So let's look at the most interesting ideas for New Year's toys! They can be made literally from scrap materials without wasting a lot of time. But what a delight the end result will be, and most importantly it will bring all family members closer together and delight the children.

DIY Christmas tree decorations from scrap materials

From all sorts of odds and ends and scrap materials you can create wonderful toys that will delight you on holidays and on weekdays. Such creations are especially valuable if you make them with children.

  • Christmas tree decoration made of pine cones

What the New Year's tree lacks is pine cones. Perhaps this is the most environmentally friendly material for a toy. Yes, and you can find it in most parks or nearby forest belts. All you have to do is decorate the cones a little, make a beautiful ribbon pendant, and the original toy is ready!


  • cones;
  • foil;
  • latex gloves;
  • spray paint;
  • hot glue;
  • glitter;
  • Polish for hair;
  • decorative decorations.

Stages of work:

1. If necessary, clean the cones from dirt and dry them. Spread foil on the work surface. We put on gloves and thoroughly paint the pine cones using a can of paint. Let it dry completely.

2. Cut a ribbon 24 cm long. Fold it into a loop and attach the pine cones to the base with hot glue. We wait until everything dries and decorate with bows, beads, and other decorative elements at your request.

3. All that remains is to generously spray the cone with varnish and sprinkle with glitter of a suitable color. We remove the excess simply by shaking the cone. You can also just use glitter hairspray. And the beautiful decorations for the New Year tree are ready. By the way, no worse than store-bought ones.

You don’t have to use only blue colors for your work; you can use absolutely any colors you want.

Cones decorated with ordinary beads also look no less interesting. We make a pendant from a beautiful cord, and attach multi-colored beads to the cone itself using hot glue:

And how cute the owls or baby gnomes will look. To do this you will need small pieces of felt or decorative cardboard:

  • Christmas tree decorations made from plastic bottles

Such cute toys are considered the easiest to make, but they open up the flight of your imagination. There are so many ideas you can implement!

Bells on the Christmas tree will be a great decoration

Here are some cool bells you can make from baby yogurt

It's very easy to make snowflakes, you need to take bottles of the same size, cut off the bottom, decorate them with paints in the form of winter decor and attach a ribbon, that's all.

DIY Christmas balls - creative and very original!

Christmas tree decoration made from light bulbs

And you can create such beauty from light bulbs! Both the snowmen and penguins turn out incredibly beautiful!

Beautiful Christmas tree toys made of paper and cardboard for children in kindergarten (with templates and diagrams)

If you have very small children in your house, but still want to decorate the Christmas tree, paper balls are an excellent alternative. They are beautiful and will not break if dropped.


  • 2 sheets of different colors (this can be colored or decorative paper, sheets for scrapbooking are also suitable);
  • beads and beads (of a suitable shade);
  • juice tube;
  • ribbon;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

1. Cut 10 strips from each sheet, measuring 12 by 1 cm. From the remaining paper, cut out 4 circles, up to 1.5 cm in diameter. After this, we begin to string the parts onto a needle and thread in the following order: 1 bead, 1 large bead, 1 paper circle. After which it was time for the paper strips. We alternate wearing one strip of each color until we use it all up. The strips must be pierced at a distance of 5 millimeters from the edge.

To make the ball neat, you should mark the necessary places in advance.

2. Then we put on another circle and a tube about 6 cm long.

3. Now you can proceed to stringing the strips from the second end. This must be done carefully so as not to disrupt the sequence in which the stripes were worn from the very beginning. Otherwise, the ball simply won’t work out.

4. Straighten the stripes and give them a spherical shape. To secure, we put on another circle, then a bead. Fasten the thread and cut it off. We sew a pendant loop from a beautiful ribbon on top and the beautiful ball is ready!

You can make a large number of different Christmas tree decorations from paper strips. For example, this snowman:

Or Grandfather Frosts:

We also offer you templates for simple toys that you simply need to print on a color printer, cut and glue:

By the way, using templates you can make very light toys, even a 4-year-old child can handle them. Simply cut out the required number of templates, bend them in half and glue them together, placing a beautiful rope inside for hanging:

As you can see in this example, the figure can be anything, be it a Christmas tree, a bear or even a star:

Do-it-yourself voluminous Christmas tree decorations made of felt (patterns inside)

Of course, felt is not a handy material, but we couldn’t forget about decorations made from this material. The toys turn out so cute and soft. The main thing is to choose the templates you like and purchase felt in the desired color. And needlewomen probably have multi-colored scraps of this material somewhere. Now is the time to use them!


  • bear template;
  • felt;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • thin ribbon for hanging;
  • black beads for eyes;
  • padding polyester or other filler;
  • decorative decorations.

Stages of work:

Using the template, cut out 2 parts of the bear. To one of them we sew beaded eyes, a black felt nose and a mouth. Decorate with ribbons or small buttons. All that remains is to put the parts together and carefully sew them by hand or on a machine. We start from the bottom and gradually fill it with synthetic padding as we sew it together. At the very top we sew a ribbon for hanging.

We use the same principle to make the rest of the Christmas tree decorations:

And here are the templates for them:

So feel free to create, and if you don’t have a printer, just hold a piece of paper to the screen and draw the outlines with a pencil. You can also draw your own templates. After all, they are simple.

Christmas decorations made from cotton wool and cotton pads: simple and quick with step-by-step instructions

Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool have been known to many since childhood. They are not difficult to make, but they look so beautiful. Therefore, a festive mood will be guaranteed. We will make a snowman in a hat.


  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • glue moment;
  • water;
  • soap;
  • glitter;
  • plasticine;
  • a piece of fabric for a scarf;
  • barrel from Kinder Surprise.

Stages of work:

1. We soap our hands and begin to roll 2 cotton balls. One of medium size is for the body, the second is slightly smaller for the head.

To ensure the cotton balls come out neat, soap your hands several times as needed.

Let them dry.

2. At this time, dilute the PVA glue with a small amount of water and add some glitter. Cover the dried body and head with the resulting mixture and again let it dry completely.

3. From plasticine we sculpt a carrot-nose, eyes and buttons. Cut a scarf from a piece of fabric. And from the lid of a Kinder barrel we make a hat. We cover it with plasticine, then grease it with PVA glue and sprinkle it with glitter. Glue all the parts with super glue. We made the handles from dry grass branches and also glued them on.

This is how you can quickly and easily get an excellent holiday snowman. Here are a couple more cuties. They are made entirely of cotton wool and painted with the following paints:

Well, in addition to them, you can add crafts made from cotton pads. For example, angels or Grandfather Frosts:

City Christmas tree toy 2019 made of foam plastic for a school competition

What kind of toy can be made from foam plastic? The first thing that comes to mind is a Christmas ball. We will show you how to make a ball in the style of 2019. Which means it will be a pig! Why not decorate the Christmas tree with the symbol of the New Year? Moreover, it is done quickly and easily.


  • foam ball (4.6 cm in diameter);
  • fabric and fleece for a hat;
  • pink nylon;
  • padding polyester;
  • paints and markers;
  • 2 small half beads for eyes;
  • blush;
  • Polish for hair;
  • ribbons;
  • glue.

Stages of work:

1. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 7.5 cm from nylon. We tighten a piece along the edge with a thread and “pack” a foam ball into it. The suspension loop will be located in the same place. Therefore, we insert a piece of wire or a sewing pin on top of the ball. We tie a ribbon on it.

2. Now let's move on to sewing the hat. From a suitable fabric, cut out a rectangle measuring 16 by 8 cm. From fleece, cut out a piece measuring 16 by 4 cm. Fold the fleece in half and sew it to the main part of the hat. We sew the cap along the length and get a cylinder, turn it inside out. The piggy hats are ready! We put it on the ball.

3. We also make the nose from nylon. Cut out a small circle, tie it with thread along the edge and put in a little padding polyester. Don't forget to make two nostrils. Glue the finished heel to the middle of the ball's head.

4. Now it’s the turn of the peephole. We also glue them or paint them. Covering them with your finger, spray the toy with hairspray. Let it dry completely and tint the pig’s cheeks and draw a mouth with a black felt-tip pen.

5. We cut out the ears from fleece, tint them with blush and attach them to the hat with glue. We tie a ribbon at the top of the cap. And the pig ball is ready!

Or you can simply decorate a foam ball with sequins, which are secured with special sewing pins or small nails:

Here's an original way to make a ball for a Christmas tree

And this is what happens if you make flowers from corrugated paper

But in general, it’s a great idea to decorate a foam ball with cinnamon sticks

New Year's toys for a street tree made from disks

If you have a Christmas tree on the street or you need to make a toy for the city Christmas tree, then we suggest making such toys from disks. They look very beautiful and this material is perfect for the street. And I think there are disks in almost every home).

Video master class on Christmas tree crafts for the city Christmas tree.

But these are not all ideas, see what kind of Christmas tree you can make from CDs

It turned out to be a very nice flat ball.

That's all for me! I really hope that you will like the toys and that you will be happy to create such beauty.

Such homemade products decorate the green beauty in a very original way, and it doesn’t take much time at all, even the kids can handle some of them themselves.

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What do you need

  • children's white socks;
  • foam balls of various sizes;
  • scissors;
  • white thread;
  • wide red ribbon;
  • thin red ribbon
  • a piece of colored felt;
  • pins;
  • black buttons.

How to do

Place two foam balls in a baby's sock so that the large one is at the bottom and the smaller one is on top. Drag the sock between the two balls with white thread.

Tie a wide red ribbon on top and cut its edges.

Tie a thread over the top segment of the snowman. Turn the remaining part of the sock inside out. Cut a rectangular piece of felt and wrap it around the snowman's head to create a hat. Secure it with pins and fold the brim.

Now tie a thin red ribbon around the top of the snowman's hat. Make a loop from the long ends of the ribbon.

Pin two black buttons to the bottom ball of the snowman. Use small pins with different colored heads to make the snowman's nose and eyes.

2. Salt dough toys

What do you need

  • 1 cup flour;
  • ¹⁄₂ glass of water;
  • ¹⁄₂ glass of salt;
  • baking paper;
  • cookie cutters or paper templates and blade;
  • cocktail straw;
  • stamps or toothpick;
  • baking tray;
  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • thin brush;
  • rope or thread.

How to do

Mix flour with water and salt and knead the dough. Divide it into several pieces and roll each one out on baking paper. Using cutters or templates and a blade, cut out the desired shapes.

Use a straw to make holes in the corners of the toys. You can stamp the pattern with stamps or a toothpick.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 130°C.

Color the finished decorations to your taste. Red and white colors go best with green pine needles.

When the paint is dry, you can make loops.

What do you need

  • sheet of cardboard;
  • a set of pushpins (at least 200 pieces);
  • multi-colored nail polish;
  • foam blanks in the form of eggs;
  • Super glue;
  • earrings from unnecessary earrings or paper clips;
  • ribbon or thread for a loop.

How to do

Place cardboard on the table, stick pushpins into it in rows and cover them with nail polish. Leave to dry overnight.

In the morning you can decorate the eggs using foam. Carefully insert the buttons into the workpiece. It is important that one row slightly covers the other.

Use superglue to glue a wire or paperclip to the top of the toy. Attach a decorative ribbon or thread to it.

4. Thread stars

What do you need

  • star pattern;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • Super glue;
  • beads;
  • any yarn.

How to do

Attach the template to a piece of cardboard and trace with a pencil. Cut out the star along the outline. Glue a bead to the tip of each ray.

Secure the tip of the yarn with superglue in any convenient place. Wrap the star with yarn. Tie the end of the thread with a loop to hang the toy.

5. Button Christmas trees

What do you need

  • multi-colored buttons;
  • wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • thread.

How to do

Sort the buttons by color. Line up each set according to size. Bend the wire in half. Step back from the bend and cross one end of the wire over the other to form a loop. You can finally attach a thread to it to hang the toy.

Thread on the smallest button. Add increasingly larger buttons one at a time. Important: push the wire through two button holes each time. For buttons with four holes, work the holes diagonally. Then add several dark buttons of the same small size: this will be the tree trunk.

Twist the wire again and cut off the rest. Tie a thread to the loop.

What do you need

  • cones;
  • Super glue;
  • a coil of thin rope;
  • colored tape.

How to do

Glue a rope loop to the base of each cone. Tie the required number of bows. Secure them to the pine cones with glue.

7. Gift boxes

What do you need

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • thread or thin rope;
  • wrapping;
  • thin decorative tape.

How to do

Using a ruler and pencil, draw a grid of identical squares on a piece of cardboard. The length of the sides can be any, it all depends on the desired size of the future Christmas tree decoration.

Cut out cardboard squares. Glue them into cubes. Before gluing the last segment, secure a loop inside the cube. Let it dry and then attach the box lid.

Wrap the workpiece in paper and tie a ribbon on top.

8. Rope balls

What do you need

  • Balloons;
  • Bowl;
  • PVA glue;
  • a skein of jute rope;
  • glue gun or superglue;
  • spray paint optional.

How to do

Blow up a small balloon. Pour PVA into a bowl and soak the rope in it. Tie the end of the rope around the tail of the ball and randomly wrap the future toy. As an option: you can first wrap the ball and then dip it in a container of glue.

Let the toy dry. Then puncture the balloon and pull it out of the frozen frame of the toy. Don't forget the loop to hang your decoration.

Make several toys of different sizes using this principle. Such rope balls look impressive on a Christmas tree or under the ceiling. Especially if you paint them.

What do you need

  • Super glue;
  • broken light bulbs;
  • a skein of thread or ribbon;
  • gouache or glitter paints.

How to do

Glue loops of thread or tape to the light bulbs. Dip the bulbs one at a time into different colored paint. Let the toys dry.

10. Dried oranges

What do you need

  • oranges, lemons or limes;
  • sharp knife;
  • baking tray;
  • baking paper;
  • thick needle;
  • wire or thread.

How to do

Carefully cut the citruses into thin slices. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for two to three hours at 100°C.

Use a needle to make a hole in the future toy. Thread a thread or plastic wire and secure it to create a pendant.

Hello, friends! Well, have you already started the New Year's bustle? Yesterday we finally bought an artificial one, but there really isn’t much to decorate it with. Therefore, an interesting idea came to my mind about making Christmas tree decorations with my own hands.

I would like to invite you to do such an exciting thing. So throw laziness aside, call your kids and start creating New Year's!

After all, in any case, you have paper, glue, plastic bottles and other available materials. Well, there is, right? We will need all of them today. From them you can make animal faces, carved ones, as well as the Snow Maiden and Father Frost and a bunch of other wonderful decorations. So don’t think for a long time, but rather start the fun process.

Moreover, there will be more than enough ideas for such an undertaking. As always, I tried and found from the Internet the best options for making toys for the Christmas tree. And if you are ready, then we begin. 😉

Do not forget that in any business you need to use your own imagination. This is the only way you can get amazing and exclusive souvenirs.

DIY Christmas tree toys from scrap materials for children

First of all, I want to offer you interesting ideas for creating jewelry from different and almost any materials that are in every home.

Be sure to involve your children in creativity, because they are the ones who are looking forward to this magical holiday - New Year - more than anything else in the world. And they will be incredibly pleased to hang toys that they make themselves on the Christmas tree.

I suggest you make an interesting decoration in the form of a small Christmas tree from an egg tray.

"Christmas tree from an egg tray"

You will need:

  • gouache;
  • Super glue;
  • paper egg packaging;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • thread;
  • pencil.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a paper egg carton and cut out 5-7 cells. Cut out parts from them as shown in the photo. Cut one of the cells in half, this will be the top.

2. Glue the parts together to form a tree. Roll the parts that come out of the halves into a cone and glue them at the top.

3. Take green gouache and paint the workpiece.

4. Cut out decorations from the leftover paper packaging and, if necessary, glue them together. Make small balls from a mixture of small pieces of paper and PVA glue.

5. Color the decorations.

6. Decorate the Christmas tree by gluing all the decor. Don't forget to glue the string by which you will weigh the toy.

7. Cover the product with clear varnish and dry. All is ready!

If you are a lover of expensive wine, then after emptying the bottle, do not rush to discard its cork. Collect them. And at the right time they will come in handy. For example, use them for the following purposes.

"Souvenir made from wine corks"

You will need:

  • 6 natural wine bottle stoppers;
  • natural twine;
  • Super glue;
  • scissors;
  • confetti, small beads.

Manufacturing process:

1. Carefully cut each cork into 3 equal parts with a knife.

The knife must be sharp so that the corks do not crumble.

2. You should end up with 18 pieces.

3. Now lay out small triangles from these pieces on a hard surface. One triangle should consist of 6 pieces of corks. There should be 3 triangles in total.

4. Glue each resulting triangle.

5. Cut three 40 cm ropes from twine.

6. Tie each string in the middle, forming a loop.

7. Take a dried triangle, attach a loop knot to the top, coating the place where they touch with glue.

8. Loop the twine around the entire triangle and tie the loose ends tightly in a knot.

9. For a tighter fixation, the thread can also be coated with transparent glue.

10. Make the same thing from the two remaining triangular blanks.

Well, now try to make beautiful snowmen from iron corks.


You will need:

  • ribbons;
  • bottle caps;
  • acrylic paints;
  • buttons;
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take three good, non-deformed bottle caps. Wash and dry them. Then paint with white acrylic paint.

2. Once the pieces have dried, glue the lids onto the tape, leaving a loop on top.

4. Cut a small strip from a satin ribbon. This will be a scarf. Tie it over the plugs. And glue a button in the middle. The bright decoration in the shape of a snowman is completely ready.

You can also use not only corks, but also the bottles themselves. Just not glass, but plastic. For example, by cutting them into halves and then gluing the parts to the required length, you get an excellent blank for any toy. Let your imagination run wild. And then, using paints, bring the plastic blanks to life.

This is how beautiful and bright you can make a penguin. I think everything will be clear to you from the diagram.

Or fill the bottles with any New Year's souvenirs and decorate the top.

You can also cut strips from plastic and assemble a ball.

Here's a simple idea for making small toys out of paper and satin ribbons. Find New Year's pictures on the Internet, print them in the shape of a circle, and cut them out. Then glue it onto the cardboard. Weave the ribbons together and cover the outline with them. Glue the loop.

And here's another paper assembly for you. This is also a very simple product, just right for kids. Print the diagram and cut it out. Assemble the craft along the fold lines and glue it together. Decorate with beads, plasticine, etc. Glue a bow loop. That's all!

"Crystal Ball"

You will need:

  • half beads made of glass and plastic;
  • foam balls;
  • trimmings of satin ribbons;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a foam ball and start covering it in a circle with half beads. At the same time, you can lay out a specific pattern, or make the craft monochromatic.

Remember that the glue must be applied in a thin layer, otherwise the foam will melt.

2. After you have completely covered the entire ball, all you have to do is embellish it a little more. Simply tie a bow from satin scraps and glue to the item. Don't forget about the loop.

In the same way you can make balls from buttons. Just paint the foam balls first, and then glue on the multi-colored buttons.

And disposable plastic cups are generally a godsend for creativity. They just need to be turned upside down and covered with paper decorations, sequins, adhesive tape or painted with paints. And in the end you may end up with ringing bells and funny snowmen.

For variety, choose a very simple product - sew or assemble a large Christmas tree bow. You can make many small bows.

I also came up with the idea of ​​combining the purchased version with homemade creativity. Buy transparent Christmas tree balls, carefully unscrew the top and add glitter. Screw the product. Or apply glue to the surface of the ball in the form of any pattern and also sprinkle with glitter. The crafts come out very beautiful.

Of course, don’t forget about needlework using thick threads and regular glue.

Moreover, the use of this technology will allow you to make anything you want.

You can learn more about this technique here.

And here are the instructions on how such a miracle can be created.

Interesting products are also made from pasta. Usually they are glued together and thus made into snowflakes.

And a cool idea would be to decorate unnecessary old light bulbs. They are usually painted with acrylic paints and decorated with knitted, rag and other attributes.

You can also make toys from salt dough, plasticine or clay.

Or bake real edible souvenirs.

In fact, there are still a large number of holiday products that you can make with your own hands from improvised materials, it’s impossible to list them all. Therefore, we move on.

Christmas tree toys, crocheted with patterns

Now a selection for those who are interested in knitting. I found the coolest, in my opinion, crocheted souvenirs. I am sending it to you along with the diagrams. Knit for good health!

  • "Bell";

  • "Herringbone";

  • "Angel";

  • "Snowflake";

  • "Father Frost";

  • “Sweetie” and “Sock”;

  • "Snowmen";

  • "Dog";

  • "Mouse";

  • "Piggy".

DIY Christmas tree decorations made of felt and fabric (patterns and templates included)

From crocheting we move on to sewing from felt and any other fabric. Guys, this time I won’t explain to you what and how to sew, I’m sure you already know all this. After all, the main thing is to find patterns. This is exactly what I will help with.

I pumped up a wide variety of options. I kindly provide them to you. Save, cut and start sewing.

Master class on making a star for the top of a Christmas tree from paper and cardboard

Well, now let’s start making almost the most important attribute of a green tree - a star.

Of course, you can choose a different method of making, but I really liked the following magical transformation.

"Star made of shiny cardboard"

You will need:

  • shiny cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun

Manufacturing process:

1. Take cardboard and cut strips of equal width and length from it.

If your cardboard is shiny on only one side, then first glue two sheets of cardboard together so that both sides are shiny.

3. Now bring the free ends of the strips together and glue them together as shown in the photo.

4. Connect the side strips together. You should end up with something like this.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4, that is, glue another exactly the same part.

6. Connect and glue the two blanks together so that you end up with an eight-pointed star. Your three-dimensional star on the top of the spruce is ready.

I think that such a masterpiece will bring a lot of pleasure, especially when the lights flash on the branches and the star also sparkles with new colors.

Christmas tree toy 2020 in the form of a symbol of the year of the mouse

Do you remember what year is coming? That's right, the year of the Rat. So don’t forget to appease the Mistress and make a souvenir in the form of a funny mouse.

“Mouse from a Kinder Surprise container”

You can simply plant such a product on a branch or make a hole and secure it with a string.

You will need: one plastic container and several pieces of multi-colored plasticine.

Manufacturing process:

Here is a hero for the Year of the Pig.

"Piglet made of colored paper"

You will need:

  • double-sided tape on foam;
  • pink and red half cardboard;
  • black marker;
  • pencils;
  • markers;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take pink half-cardboard and cut out many strips 1 cm wide and 7 cm long.

2. Now use a pencil or scissors to twist each strip.

3. Apply glue to the top of one of the strips, and place another strip on top. Glue the strips in a circle in this way.

4. In the end you should get something like this.

6. Now cut out a long pink strip 0.5 cm wide.

7. Twist the strip so that you get a curl, like a pig’s tail.

8. Glue the tail to the ball.

9. Cut out two circles of different diameters and ears from half-cardboard. Cut out two small circles from red paper - these are the nostrils.

10. Glue a piece of double-sided tape onto a circle of smaller diameter. Attach it to a large circle. Using glue, glue the “nostrils”.

11. Using a black marker, draw eyes and outline the outline.

12. From red paper, cut out two strips 2 cm wide and 5 cm long. Paint them with the same black marker. This will be a scarf.

13. Glue the scarf to the back of the pig's head. Then glue the head to the body (volumetric ball). And don't forget to cut and glue the ribbon loop.

Agree, this is a very easy craft and is accessible for children's creativity.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a New Year's toy from cotton wool

And ahead of us awaits a detailed master class on creating another Christmas tree decoration in the form of a bright cockerel. We will make it from ordinary cotton wool.

"Cotton Cockerel"

You will need:

  • cardboard (thick but cutable);
  • cotton wool (from a pharmacy, regular in a roll);
  • cotton pads;
  • white threads;
  • potato starch;
  • black half-bead eyes;
  • tailor's pin (with a loop at the end);
  • paints for painting.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take cardboard and draw the outline of a cockerel on it. Cut it out.

2. Unwind the cotton wool from the roll and tightly wrap it around the cut out outline to the legs.

3. Now wind the thread over the cotton wool. Do the same with the leg.

5. Cut wings (4 pcs.) and parts for the tail (4 pcs.) from cotton pads.

6. Cut out one comb and two parts for a beard from a cotton pad.

7. Make a starch paste and coat our rooster figurine with it. Then wrap thin pieces of dry cotton wool around our product. Apply paste to all uneven surfaces. Next, saturate all other parts with paste and carefully attach them to the cockerel. Form folds, fluff the tail, you can additionally make a thin strip of cotton wool and glue it around the neck. Glue on the eyes.

8. Dry the product upside down (hang it on the thread we left). And then paint it to your liking. Cut the thread and insert a pin, thread an elegant rope.

Use this technology to make other animals, fairy-tale heroes and characters.

Christmas tree toy “Garland” made from plastic bottles

Now we will make a decoration in the form of a garland. Moreover, the garland will not be simple, but made from plastic bottles. How do you like this idea? Personally, I'm delighted.

"Flower Garland"

You will need:

  • plastic bottles with caps;
  • spray paints;
  • scissors;
  • electric garland;

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut off the tops of the bottles. Make cuts to create a flower.

2. Round the petals and paint the blanks in any color.

3. While the flowers are drying, make cross-shaped cuts in the caps of these bottles. Insert light bulbs from an electric garland into the cuts.

4. When the pieces are dry, screw them to the lids, spread the product over the Christmas tree and turn on the electric garland. Admire the creation!

Well, a simple manufacturing option garlands of icicles.

You will need:

Manufacturing process:

Christmas tree crafts made from polymer clay

I’ll briefly tell you what figures can be made from clay. You can use plasticine as a material.

Here it is important to come up with a character, sculpt the details, then put them together, and then make a loop.

Here are a couple of patterns for sculpting winter characters.

  • Father Frost;

  • Monkey;

  • Girl;

  • Snow Maiden;

  • Piggy.

And options for finished work.

Video selection of the best wooden Christmas tree toys

Well, if you are interested in woodworking, then you will be interested in the following story. It contains ideas for creating wooden toys at home. So watch and create. By the way, such souvenirs are perfect as...

And this is where I end today. I look forward to your comments! Was I useful and creative? 😀 I think it’s undeniably yes.

I wish you to make what you like and, together with the kids, decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys. With coming!

Do you want to decorate your Christmas tree with unusual decorations that you won’t find in stores this year? The only opportunity is to make making New Year's toys fun and interesting. And don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all.

Christmas handmade can be an excellent decoration for your Christmas tree and a nice gift for family and friends. Take your children as helpers and get to work!

DIY Christmas tree decorations will help create a New Year's mood

1. Decoration from cubes

You can write whatever you want on the cubes! Think about what phrase from a Christmas comedy or line from a New Year's song will cheer up your household?

2. Toys made from caps

3. All you need is glitter, spray, paint and tape

And take a stencil with the image of a rooster! Years later, you will remember with what pleasure you had making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands at the end of 2016!

4. Delicious cocoa toys

You probably won’t be able to eat them, but these balls whet your appetite right away!

5. Pencil balls

Does your child love to sharpen colored pencils? Let him do it profitably! Shavings - into a ball, and the decoration is ready!

6. Do you like rustic style? Then these wooden decorations are for you!

Don't forget to draw a rooster!

7. It's just a ball and thread, but how beautiful!

As easy as pie! Even a small child can handle this!

8. Ribbon decorations

Making these Christmas decorations will help your kids quickly learn how to tie their shoelaces.

9. Snowflake made from clothespins

These gorgeous snow flakes are actually 8 clothespins glued together and painted.

10. We don’t skimp on the glitter!

There's no such thing as too much glitter! Especially at Christmas!

A fairy-tale character will come to visit you, but not to steal the holiday, but to decorate it.

12. Another great idea for decorating a Christmas tree!

Spruce twig, wooden beads, letters, white confetti or paper. We place all this in a transparent ball. Ready!

13. Snowman

Do you like to draw? Then this idea is 100% suitable for you.

14. Yarn decoration

Styrofoam balls + sticky glue + yarn + thin wire. And voila!

15. Foam jewelry

Take paint for foam balls with red glitter and apply it to the base. And tie it with a ribbon.

16. Clay star

If you are not a sculptor, use special clay molds.

17. Glitter decoration

Remember the main rule of creating Christmas tree decorations with your own hands? Yes, you can never have too much glitter!

18. Snow crystals

Apply glue to the ball and roll it in salt to create beautiful crystals.

19. Great gift idea for a loved one

Use special stickers.

20. Paper tape + spool of thread. Very nice!

You can write anything! You can list holiday attributes, you can write the words of a Christmas song or fairy tale, or you can exchange wishes with loved ones in this way!

21. Glowing snowman

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