When people discovered that if long. Scientists have found out how the dead feel: they are aware of everything and understand that they are “gone”

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3. (1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2) _____ people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed a person made fire himself when he needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.

2 slide

Slide description:

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text? 1. When people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, they made a great discovery. 2. The ability to make fire was one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind, which ensured the further development of new technologies in many areas of activity. 3. For thousands of years, people tried to master fire and, having learned to make it, began to use it when they needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food. 4. The ability to use fire allowed people to cook and store food, process metals, make glass and ceramics, and tan leather. 5. Having learned to make fire, people made one of the most important discoveries, which subsequently ensured the development of new technologies in many areas of activity.

3 slide

Slide description:

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words). 1. Therefore 2. Even 3. On the contrary 4. Ultimately 5. Because

4 slide

Slide description:

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 1. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry. NATURE, -s, w. 1. Places outside cities, countryside (fields, forests, mountains). Enjoy nature. 2. The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature. 3. Everything that exists in the Universe, the organic and inorganic world. Study nature. 4. Transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). The nature of social relations.

5 slide

Slide description:

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down. perceive the bows rings ahead of the jaws

6 slide

Slide description:

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly. 1. The cool summer rain filled the flowers and foliage of the trees, tired of the heat, with life-giving moisture. 2. The winner of the Foreign Language Olympiad was awarded a ticket to the international LANGUAGE camp. 3. In the estate, which before the revolution belonged first to Ivan Turgenev, and then to the OLD Botkin family, a meeting of the descendants of the former owners of the house took place. 4. Every person needs to REPLACE the lack of vitamins in their body in a timely manner. 5. When museum visitors find themselves in front of a painting in which the artist has depicted the streets of their hometown, they invariably get a strong feeling.

7 slide

Slide description:

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly. with FOUR HUNDRED schoolchildren talented DIRECTORS at THEIR request Drive carefully RARE copy

8 slide

Slide description:

7 A) Immediately upon arrival in the village of Konstantinovo - the poet’s homeland - the schoolchildren went to the museum. B) On October 12, 1492, Columbus’s fleet, which consisted of three light ships for long-distance sailing, spotted a small island on the horizon. C) Usually, when creating your own work, it expresses the author’s attitude towards life and people. D) According to K.I. Chukovsky, the main goal of children's writers is that “we educate humanity in a child at any cost.” D) The human body, in which complex biochemical mechanisms operate, requires a daily supply of essential nutrients. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 2) a violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 3) a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 4) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members 5) an incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase 6) a violation in the construction of a sentence with participial phrase 7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

Slide 9

Slide description:

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write down this word by inserting the missing letter M..darin zar..if you can accommodate the assumption..intelligent..intellectual

10 slide

Slide description:

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter. pr..gradate, pr..live from..tear, n..write and..bend, ra..burn on..build, about..beat pr..press, pr..submit

11 slide

Slide description:

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap. dry..vyy. touch..touch. diligent... overnight... fasten... fasten.

12 slide

Slide description:

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

Slide 13

Slide description:

12. Find a sentence in which NOT is spelled CONCLUSION with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word. 1. In the lush greenery of the bush, a still (not) fully blossomed bud turned bright pink. 2. The musician (without) hesitation agreed to participate in the competition for young performers. 3. Alexey suddenly felt that he (didn’t) want to share his new experiences even with his closest friends. 4. (Don’t) fear a smart enemy, but fear a foolish friend. 5. You need to cherish (un)forgettable moments of communication with beauty.

Slide 14

Slide description:

13. Find a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words. (DURING) the entire school year, the friends were actively involved in sports, (THEREFORE) they readily supported the coach in his desire to create a basketball team. (C)LEVA the picture depicts girls, boys, married women watching the capture of the fortress, and children are also crowding HERE. (NOT) DESPITE the increasing rain, the children still selflessly continued to play catch-up. TO achieve success in life, you need to be a well-organized person and, (IN) PLACE of fruitless observations of the activities of other people, actively act yourself. (C)OVER millennia, countless treasures of human thought and spirit accumulate and live forever in the word, (THUS) THIS is why you need to treat your native language with respect and care.

15 slide

Slide description:

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written. The character in the painting, created by the artist on the basis of a well-known fairy-tale plot, is dressed in a brocade caftan and a red cap with a lapel; with his right hand he holds a gilded scabbard decorated with precious stones with a magic sword.

16 slide

Slide description:

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. 1) Every blade of grass and leaf sparkled and smiled with drop eyes. 2) The bravest and luckiest horseman breaks through the ranks of the fortress’s defenders, breaks the snow wall and rushes into the town on horseback. 3) Language is the path of civilization and culture. 4) Everyone is interested in this fun and lively interesting and exciting game! 5) During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the soulful songs of Mikhail Isakovsky helped fight the enemy and strengthened faith in victory.

Slide 17

Slide description:

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence. Just as different streets (1) passing one into another (2) form a whole city, so a series of sentences (3) related in meaning and grammatically (4) represents a text.

18 slide

Slide description:

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences. Birches and aspens (1) seem to (2) run down the gently sloping bank to the river carrying its waters into the distance. This (3) seemingly (4) unremarkable landscape under Levitan’s brush turns into an amazing poetic image.

Slide 19

Slide description:

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence. In the evenings, couples in love walked along the shady alley (1) in the depths (2) of which (3) there was a dark gazebo (4).

20 slide

Slide description:

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence. At first the dog all the time (1) ran ahead of the hunter (2) but (3) as soon as she sensed the game (4) her steps slowed down and became creeping.

21 slides

Slide description:

(1) My childhood was wonderful. (2) As a child, there was no money, there was no interesting work, but all this was a matter of gain. (3) But in childhood there was a father and mother. (4) In our family, the father always reigned with his unquestioned authority. (5) There was no place for the mother in boys' games. (6) Of course, I could not live without her breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but it was so ordinary that it was unnoticeable... (7) Tenderness was not accepted in our family. (8) We didn’t kiss mom before bed and didn’t say in a fit of feelings: - I love you... (9) Did I tell her this at least once? (10) Life was so filled with important things that there was no room left for the ordinary: I ran home for a minute, had a snack - and again to where friends, games and passions are. (11) Ninety percent of me consisted of my mother’s worries, but I didn’t notice them, just as we don’t feel and don’t see the air we breathe at all. (12) My mother and I lived nearby, but as if in different worlds. (13) These worlds came into contact only once, when a story happened that turned out to be more interesting than all the adventures and undertakings: playing football, shooting from a self-propelled gun and launching rockets. (14) Mom usually spent time at the stove, in the bathroom or on the sofa - reading books I remember crying over Dostoevsky’s “Poor People.”

22 slide

Slide description:

(15) But sometimes she suddenly jumped up from the sofa, full of energy and ready for exploits. (16) She was attracted by business activity; her mother was full of the most daring business plans. (17) She loved to say: “We lived poorly - that’s enough!” (18) But her business was usually limited to dreams and laughter. (19) She shared her plans with her loved ones, and they laughed at her. (20) And in vain, because the main thing for the author of the project is self-confidence, and criticism from loved ones can destroy the sprouts of the most brilliant undertakings. (21) And yet one day my mother was able to captivate me with her plan. (22) It was about flying on an airplane! (23) I was assigned the role of an assistant: in the morning she bought three buckets of cherries at our market, we boarded a plane and half an hour later we found ourselves in the regional center, where these same cherries could be sold for considerable profit! (24) The prospect of flying on an airplane seemed so tempting to me that I decided to support my mother in spite of all my doubts. (25) At six o’clock in the morning, we, helping each other, transferring buckets of purchased cherries from hand to hand, dragged ourselves to the airfield. (26) On a bare field there was a trailer and a couple of green “corn husks” were spending the night.

Slide 23

Slide description:

(27) We climbed into the belly of the airplane, placed buckets under our feet, and after a short run, we soared into the air with a terrible rumble. (28) We didn’t rise above the clouds, but even the height of a couple of hundred meters at which the flight took place was breathtaking. (29) The green earth hung below us, rounded at the edges and swaying from side to side, like a huge Christmas tree decoration - a ball on a string. (Z0) Fields and meadows ran below us until we saw the chimneys and houses of a large city below. (31) With a whistle in our ears, holding buckets of cherries in our shaking hands, we stepped onto the concrete field of the airfield. (32) The end of our business project was inglorious: it turned out that here at the central market cherries go for the same price as at our bazaar. (ZZ) Now it seems to me that this was my mother’s most successful enterprise, the most successful undertaking: the money invested in this project turned into feelings. (34) My mother and I were connected by a business in which the worlds of adults and children came into contact and thanks to which I can now feel her character in mine: I also love to read and dream about great things, and then I also jump up and go to storm the sky in search of the best share in the market today. (35) Unless I sell cherries...

How many times have you asked the Universe to give you some kind of sign if something incredibly good or very bad were to happen? We desperately try to communicate with the Universe in every possible way, but often we do not know how to do this at all, or, even worse, we are completely unaware of how to understand the signs that it intensely sends us.

Sometimes we think to ourselves, “I felt like this was going to happen and it was a sign!” The good news is that there are still ways in which we can be in harmony with the Universe and can recognize all the signs. These signs are everywhere, they surround us everywhere, literally haunt us, and if we know where to look for them, how to see them and how to listen to them, then this is very good. Sometimes we receive messages about good things, but we also receive messages about bad things. Here are 10 things you need to pay attention to in order to decode messages from the universe. This information will be useful to every person.

Do you feel your intuition sharpening?

When you feel that you are more open and more aware of what is happening around you, it means that you trust your intuition. Our intuition is very connected to the Universe. If you suddenly have a good or bad feeling about something or someone, stop and carefully analyze your thoughts. There is a reason why we feel the way we feel. This is because everything comes from energy and everything has its own vibration.

Some vibrations make us feel good, while others make us feel uneasy. This is because we interact with everything and everyone in the world. We exchange energy. Sometimes a look or body language gives us a lot of clues. Or even when you go to a certain place, the colors, the environment, and the people in that place influence our own vibration in a positive or negative way.

You believe in yourself and the Universe

Sometimes we suddenly lose our skeptical attitude. We see that we have more faith, and we feel inspired, inspired, and begin to think much better. When the Universe sends us messages, it also sends us faith. However, this belief has nothing to do with religion. This is a feeling that we cannot describe, but we know that it exists, and it exists for a reason. We simply believe in it not because we need it, but because we understand that it is right.

You are more open to receiving answers.

When we know what to believe and when we give ourselves completely to the Universe, we can become even more open to receiving answers. It is important to have common sense and be completely free from worries and fears, from judgments. All this blocks our intuition. Tell yourself that you are ready to accept absolutely everything that comes your way, and you will accept everything with ease. Are you ready to accept it?

You notice changes easily

Have you ever been in a situation where people point out small details to you and you wonder how they notice such little things? Sometimes someone describes certain situations with great accuracy, and this leads us to bewilderment. People who trust their senses and who are open to receiving information notice small details and changes very easily. At some point, certain actions occur that try to attract our attention. Sometimes we are too busy to look at them or listen to them, and sometimes we don't even pay attention to them. When you learn to accept signs from the Universe, you will find that you will be more aware of every detail around you, because you will notice it with ease.

You notice how certain events repeat, or how numbers repeat.

If you didn't notice the first time, you will definitely notice when it happens again and again and again. Some people, for example, constantly see 11:11. They notice this when they simply look at the clock at exactly that time. Moreover, this happens somehow unintentionally, and then they realize that it happened again. This can be any number. Sometimes certain events repeat themselves periodically and you realize that you continue to see the same thing, you are puzzled by the question of what it means for you. Of course, this is the Universe's way of sending you codes to decipher.

You hear a song or see a picture (or a word)

Sometimes you're thinking about someone and you happen to notice an ad or text that reminds you of that person. Or this person may call you. It happens that a person is thinking about something, and just the right song for this situation suddenly starts playing on the radio. Perhaps you were thinking about a loved one who passed away, and the song was your favorite composition. And it happens, it also happens that a person is thinking about a specific place and suddenly sees something about this place on TV. If you cannot understand why this is happening at this particular moment, then write it all down in your notebook and be sure to note the time and date. You may see more signs that relate to something specific and begin to understand why it is happening.

Sudden illness

Sometimes when everything is going well, you suddenly feel sick. But you can't explain why this happens. Most likely, the Universe is trying to warn you about a possible negative situation. Maybe she's trying to stop you from meeting someone. Perhaps you are too busy and working on something that is not meant for you. When you feel empty, when you feel pain, take this time for granted to become aware of your life and figure out what may be wrong in your actions.

Negative remarks from some people

This happens for two reasons. Either the Universe is trying to show us the true face of a particular person by revealing his attitude towards us, or these remarks are a sign that we may find ourselves in an unpleasant or risky situation. It is appropriate to pay attention to negative things in the same way that we pay attention to positive things.

You have unexplained anger or strange anxiety

It also has to do with your intuition. When you feel some anxiety, you need to stop and understand what is wrong, because it is your intuition trying to communicate with you. Just breathe deeply, stop and try to see and identify what it is that makes you feel this way.

Lose or break something important

You are thinking about someone, suddenly there is a loud click - that's it, the thing is broken. Perhaps this is not just your clumsy behavior, perhaps this is the Universe trying to tell you something. It could also be that you are losing something important to you rather than breaking it. When you notice that you've lost something and can't find it, pay attention to who or what you were thinking about just before that moment. This may be a clue to help you figure it out.

Option No. 2147179

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) When people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, they made a great discovery.

2) The ability to make fire was one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind, which ensured the further development of new technologies in many fields of activity.

3) For thousands of years, people tried to master fire and, having learned to make it, began to use it when they needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food.

4) The ability to use fire allowed people to cook and store food, process metals, make glass and ceramics, and tan leather.

5) Having learned to make fire, people made one of the most important discoveries, which subsequently ensured the development of new technologies in many areas of activity.



Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the second (2) sentence of the text?


Vice versa

In the end


(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2)<...>people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when it was necessary to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or prepare food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 1. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -y, w.

1) Places outside cities, countryside (fields, forests, mountains). Enjoy nature.

2) The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature.

3) Everything that exists in the Universe, the organic and inorganic world. Study nature.

4) Transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). The nature of social relations.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2)<...>people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when it was necessary to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or prepare food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The range of products PRESENTED on our website is unusually wide.

When studying the cycle of poems, pay special attention to the image of the LYRIC hero.

For administrative OFFENSES of various natures, the legislation provides for varying degrees of responsibility.

I often remember Lesha’s sad BROWN eyes.

His grandfather was a real GREEK pirate and buried huge treasures somewhere.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

THEIR sister's

drink from SAUCERS



THREE friends


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) All areas of human nature not only work in accordance with logic and consistency, but also with genuine truth and faith.1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Thanks to the annual abundant fruiting, frost resistance, and ability to easily reproduce, the plum tree has become widespread throughout Russia.2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) The famous Nizhny Novgorod fair opened annually, welcoming people from all over Russia.3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) It is completely understandable why every homeowner prohibits tenants from keeping pets.4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
E) Using the opportunity to show their view of the natural world, artists create works of landscape painting.5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech


Identify the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




be proud



Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

happy...not talkative;

etc..found, etc..decorated;

not..written, p..play;

fe..eton, adjutant;

by..jump, oh..guess.


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

loosen... loosen

offended...to be offended




Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.







Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

All operational documents, (not) excluding combat journals, were destroyed.

The sailors treated the passengers with (un)usual cordiality.

Our horses were (not) exhausted.

Andrei Andreevich was a simple man who (not) understood anything about thoroughbred horses.

(Does not) reach the bottom of the river with his hand.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(B) FOR an hour the conversation did not stop: they talked mainly (ABOUT) the upcoming journey.

And if (FROM) WHAT I’m starting to do, I’m not the only one who expects benefit, then, I admit, I’m more willing to take it FOR (THAT).

And no matter how much you are in a hurry to get to the water, you will still stop several times on the way down the hill to look at the distance on the other side of the river.

(B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of the rainfall, the river overflowed its banks, and the entire space (ALL) AROUND was covered with water.

(NO)THING had changed in his appearance, although he was dressed the SAME as before.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

Due to his uncertain (1) position, Arseny could not study only music: he also had to fulfill household (2) responsibilities (3).


Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.

2) In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

3) M.V. Lomonosov outlined the distinction between significant and function words, and later this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.

4) Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about Goethe’s correspondence with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

5) A. S. Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of houses, both ancient forests and cozy seaside towns.


The space opposite (1) the window (2) located between the porch and the blank wall was fenced off with high boards (3) allowing one to see (4) only a small patch of sky.


Add all missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Perhaps (1) (a flattering hope!) (2)

The future (3)ignorant will indicate (4)

To my illustrious portrait

And he says: he was a poet!

Please accept my thanks (4)

Fan of peaceful aonides(5)

O you (6) whose memory will preserve

My flying creations(7)

Whose benevolent hand

He'll ruffle the old man's laurels!


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

I settled down (1) under a tree (2) whose crown (3) protected me (4) from the rain.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The amazing spiritual kindness of this woman can only be judged by (1) the fact that (2) when there was a flood on the coast (3) she took the orphaned children (4) and with her care and love literally brought them back to life.


Which of the statements can serve as arguments for the thoughts expressed in sentences 7-10?

1) When one honest person is hit, all honest persons must experience pain, indignation, and the agony of trampled human dignity. (L. N. Andreev)

2) The word is given to a person not for self-satisfaction, but for the embodiment and transmission of that thought, that feeling that he possesses, to other people. (V. G. Korolenko)

3) Effort is a necessary condition for moral improvement. (L. N. Tolstoy)

4) All human destinies are formed by chance, depending on the destinies surrounding them. (I. A. Bunin)

5) Where is the true greatness of a person recognized, if not in those cases in which he decides it is better to suffer forever than to do something contrary to his conscience? (V. G. Belinsky)

(According to D. Granin)


Which of the following statements are wrong?

1) Sentence 1-3 presents the reasoning.

2) Sentence 7-11 contains a narrative element.

3) Sentence 13 provides a description.

4) Sentences 19-22 contain an example-argument of what is said in sentence 16 of the text.

5) Sentences 5-6 present the narrative.

(1) Many consider the concept of honor to be outdated, outdated, in the sense that it is not applicable today - the conditions are not the same. (2) For some, this is associated with such actions as a duel: how else can you protect your honor from insults? (3) Others believe: honor today has been replaced by a higher concept - integrity. (4) Instead of a man of honor, a man of principles...

(5) How can a sense of honor, a sense of self-worth, a purely personal moral feeling become obsolete? (6) How can the concept of honor become obsolete, which is given to a person once, along with a name, and which can neither be compensated nor corrected, which can only be preserved?

(7) I remember an incident connected with the name of A.P. Chekhov. (8) In 1902, the tsarist government annulled the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. (9) As a sign of protest, Korolenko and Chekhov refused the title of academicians. (10) For Chekhov, this was not only a social act, but also a personal one. (11) He wrote in a statement that when Gorky was elected, he saw him and was the first to congratulate him. (12) And now, when the Academy of Sciences announced that the elections were invalid, it turns out that he, Chekhov, as an academician, admits this. (13) “I congratulated you heartily, and I recognize the elections as invalid - . “such a contradiction does not fit in my mind; I could not reconcile my conscience with it,” he wrote to the Academy of Sciences. “And after much thought, I could come to only one decision... to relinquish my title of honorary academician.” (14) But circumstances developed that seemed to be independent of Chekhov, and he could have found an excuse for himself.

(15) Beliefs, of course, are a necessary thing. (16) But there is such a simpler, concrete concept as a word given by a person. (17) It is not confirmed by any document or certificate. (18) Just a word. (19) Let’s say a business person who promised to make repairs by such and such a date, gather people, bring equipment, and receive those who came from afar. (20) You never know what else. (21) Well, what a disaster, I didn’t accept it, didn’t do it, didn’t bring it. (22) He’ll do it in a month, he’ll accept it in two days, and thank you for that. (23) It happens that in fact there is nothing terrible, no catastrophe, if we exclude one circumstance - the word, the word was given.

(According to D. Granin)


Among sentences 7-13, find the word that has the meaning declare void, cancel. Write him out.

(1) Many consider the concept of honor to be outdated, outdated, in the sense that it is not applicable today - the conditions are not the same. (2) For some, this is associated with such actions as a duel: how else can you protect your honor from insults? (3) Others believe: honor today has been replaced by a higher concept - integrity. (4) Instead of a man of honor, a man of principles...

(5) How can a sense of honor, a sense of self-worth, a purely personal moral feeling become obsolete? (6) How can the concept of honor become obsolete, which is given to a person once, along with a name, and which can neither be compensated nor corrected, which can only be preserved?

(7) I remember an incident connected with the name of A.P. Chekhov. (8) In 1902, the tsarist government annulled the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. (9) As a sign of protest, Korolenko and Chekhov refused the title of academicians. (10) For Chekhov, this was not only a social act, but also a personal one. (11) He wrote in a statement that when Gorky was elected, he saw him and was the first to congratulate him. (12) And now, when the Academy of Sciences announced that the elections were invalid, it turns out that he, Chekhov, as an academician, admits this. (13) “I congratulated you heartily, and I recognize the elections as invalid - . “such a contradiction does not fit in my mind; I could not reconcile my conscience with it,” he wrote to the Academy of Sciences. “And after much thought, I could come to only one decision... to relinquish my title of honorary academician.” (14) But circumstances developed that seemed to be independent of Chekhov, and he could have found an excuse for himself.

(15) Beliefs, of course, are a necessary thing. (16) But there is such a simpler, concrete concept as a word given by a person. (17) It is not confirmed by any document or certificate. (18) Just a word. (19) Let’s say a business person who promised to make repairs by such and such a date, gather people, bring equipment, and receive those who came from afar. (20) You never know what else. (21) Well, what a disaster, I didn’t accept it, didn’t do it, didn’t bring it. (22) He’ll do it in a month, he’ll accept it in two days, and thank you for that. (23) It happens that in fact there is nothing terrible, no catastrophe, if we exclude one circumstance - the word, the word was given.

(According to D. Granin)

(7) I remember an incident connected with the name of A.P. Chekhov. (8) In 1902, the tsarist government annulled the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. (9) As a sign of protest, Korolenko and Chekhov refused the title of academicians. (10) For Chekhov, this was not only a social act, but also a personal one. (11) He wrote in a statement that when Gorky was elected, he saw him and was the first to congratulate him. (12) And now, when the Academy of Sciences announced that the elections were invalid, it turns out that he, Chekhov, as an academician, admits this. (13) “I congratulated you heartily, and I recognize the elections as invalid - . “such a contradiction does not fit in my mind; I could not reconcile my conscience with it,” he wrote to the Academy of Sciences. “And after much thought, I could come to only one decision... to relinquish my title of honorary academician.”


Among sentences 5-12, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(5) How can a sense of honor, a sense of self-worth, a purely personal moral feeling become obsolete? (6) How can the concept of honor become obsolete, which is given to a person once, along with a name, and which can neither be compensated nor corrected, which can only be preserved?

(According to D. Granin*)

*Daniil Alexandrovich Granin


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“A talented publicist, D. Granin skillfully combines accurate facts with a deeply personal attitude to events and characters, with genuine emotionality. This determines the combination in the text of such techniques as (A)_____ (sentence 13), (B)_____ (“the word, the word was given” in sentence 23), such a trope as (B)_____ (sentences 21-22), and such a syntactic device as (G)_____ (for example, sentence 6).

List of terms:

1) extended metaphor

2) quoting

4) lexical repetition

5) epithets

7) jargon

8) comparative turnover

9) rhetorical question

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) Many consider the concept of honor to be outdated, outdated, in the sense that it is not applicable today - the conditions are not the same. (2) For some, this is associated with such actions as a duel: how else can you protect your honor from insults? (3) Others believe: honor today has been replaced by a higher concept - integrity. (4) Instead of a man of honor, a man of principles...

(5) How can a sense of honor, a sense of self-worth, a purely personal moral feeling become obsolete? (6) How can the concept of honor become obsolete, which is given to a person once, along with a name, and which can neither be compensated nor corrected, which can only be preserved?

(7) I remember an incident connected with the name A.P. Chekhov. (8) In 1902, the tsarist government annulled the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. (9) As a sign of protest, Korolenko and Chekhov refused the title of academicians. (10) For Chekhov, this was not only a social act, but also a personal one. (11) He wrote in a statement that when Gorky was elected, he saw him and was the first to congratulate him. (12) And now, when the Academy of Sciences announced that the elections were invalid, it turns out that he, Chekhov, as an academician, admits this. (13) “I congratulated him heartily, and I recognize the elections as invalid - such a contradiction does not fit in my mind, I could not reconcile my conscience with it,” he wrote to the Academy of Sciences. “And after much thought, I could come to only one decision... to relinquish my title of honorary academician.” (14) But circumstances developed that seemed to be independent of Chekhov, and he could have found an excuse for himself.

(15) Beliefs, of course, are a necessary thing. (16) But there is such a simpler, concrete concept as a word given by a person. (17) It is not confirmed by any document or certificate. (18) Just a word. (19) Let’s say a business person who promised to make repairs by such and such a date, gather people, bring equipment, and receive those who came from afar. (20) You never know what else. (21) Well, what a disaster, I didn’t accept it, didn’t do it, didn’t bring it. (22) He’ll do it in a month, he’ll accept it in two days, and thank you for that. (23) It happens that there really is nothing terrible, no catastrophe, if we exclude one circumstance - the word, the word was given.

(According to D. Granin*)

*Daniil Alexandrovich Granin(born in 1918) - Russian writer, publicist.


Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Many consider the concept of honor to be outdated, outdated, in the sense that it is not applicable today - the conditions are not the same. (2) For some, this is associated with such actions as a duel: how else can you protect your honor from insults? (3) Others believe: honor today has been replaced by a higher concept - integrity. (4) Instead of a man of honor, a man of principles...

(5) How can a sense of honor, a sense of self-worth, a purely personal moral feeling become obsolete? (6) How can the concept of honor become obsolete, which is given to a person once, along with a name, and which can neither be compensated nor corrected, which can only be preserved?

(7) I remember an incident connected with the name A.P. Chekhov. (8) In 1902, the tsarist government annulled the election of Maxim Gorky to honorary academician. (9) As a sign of protest, Korolenko and Chekhov refused the title of academicians. (10) For Chekhov, this was not only a social act, but also a personal one. (11) He wrote in a statement that when Gorky was elected, he saw him and was the first to congratulate him. (12) And now, when the Academy of Sciences announced that the elections were invalid, it turns out that he, Chekhov, as an academician, admits this. (13) “I congratulated him heartily, and I recognize the elections as invalid - such a contradiction does not fit in my mind, I could not reconcile my conscience with it,” he wrote to the Academy of Sciences. “And after much thought, I could come to only one decision... to relinquish my title of honorary academician.” (14) But circumstances developed that seemed to be independent of Chekhov, and he could have found an excuse for himself.

(15) Beliefs, of course, are a necessary thing. (16) But there is such a simpler, concrete concept as a word given by a person. (17) It is not confirmed by any document or certificate. (18) Just a word. (19) Let’s say a business person who promised to make repairs by such and such a date, gather people, bring equipment, and receive those who came from afar. (20) You never know what else. (21) Well, what a disaster, I didn’t accept it, didn’t do it, didn’t bring it. (22) He’ll do it in a month, he’ll accept it in two days, and thank you for that. (23) It happens that there really is nothing terrible, no catastrophe, if we exclude one circumstance - the word, the word was given.

(According to D. Granin*)

*Daniil Alexandrovich Granin(born in 1918) - Russian writer, publicist.

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Option No. 5718750

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers).

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics. The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the numbers of sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) When people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, they made a great discovery.

2) The ability to make fire was one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind, which ensured the further development of new technologies in many fields of activity.

3) For thousands of years, people tried to master fire and, having learned to make it, began to use it when they needed to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or cook food.

4) The ability to use fire allowed people to cook and store food, process metals, make glass and ceramics, and tan leather.

5) Having learned to make fire, people made one of the most important discoveries, which subsequently ensured the development of new technologies in many areas of activity.



Which of the following words or combinations of words should be missing in the second (2) sentence of the text?


Vice versa

In the end


(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2)<...>people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when it was necessary to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or prepare food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in sentence 1. Write down the number corresponding to this meaning in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -y, w.

1) Places outside cities, countryside (fields, forests, mountains). Enjoy nature.

2) The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. Relationships between man and nature.

3) Everything that exists in the Universe, the organic and inorganic world. Study nature.

4) Transfer, what. Basic property, essence (book). The nature of social relations.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it. (2)<...>people discovered that if you rub two wooden sticks against each other for a long time, they light up, and if you hit two stones against each other, sparks sometimes appear, and this discovery became one of the most important in the history of mankind: it allowed man to make fire himself when it was necessary to keep warm, scare away predatory animals, or prepare food. (3) The ability to make fire allowed the development of new technologies in many areas of human activity, such as cooking and storing food, metal processing, glass and ceramics production, leather processing, lighting, heating and much more.

(1) Although man has always known about the existence of fire, which can arise naturally in nature, it took thousands of years for people to learn how to independently produce fire and use it.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

ARTISTIC tendencies can be identified using special tests.

Russian scientists have given JUSTIFICATION for a new method of processing steel.

The Egyptian pharaohs of the 17th dynasty pursued a policy of conquest.

By nature, Lena was a very IMPRESSIVE person: she suffered deeply from disagreements with family and friends.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

THEIR letters

in BOTH hands





Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

C) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

D) an error in the use of a numeral

1) Whoever studied the biography of Pushkin emphasized that his poetic talent blossomed unusually in the autumn season.

2) In the morning, both friends went to the institute to retake the exam.

3) Great Russian poets and writers, composers and artists visited one of the ancient houses that have been preserved in the center of Moscow.

4) The human body, in which complex biochemical mechanisms operate, requires a daily supply of essential nutrients.

5) We took some simple food with us: salted fish soaked in milk the day before, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers.

6) The ancient Greek philosopher Plato learned about Atlantis from his grandfather Critias, who, in turn, heard about it from the “sage of sages” Solon.

7) The stranger asked a passer-by “how can I get to the station.”

8) Artyom really loves his four-legged friend, who appeared in his life in such a mysterious way, and will take care of him

9) Gorky’s play “At the Depths,” which was written in 1902, depicted the life of “former people.”



Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


g..restful (sigh)



Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..save, pr..save

pr..image, disassembled..took

both..harmed, and..sharpened

pr..old, pr..gone

oh..distant, by..writing




pulled out..wai




Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.



unwell..not well



Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

All this happened (not) long before we left.

Journalists were (un)prepared for such a drastic turn of events.

At the pentathlon competition, Anton showed far (not) the best result.

The areas across the river were (un)developed.

A (un)known story.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought (FOR) THAT (WOULD) we live in peace and harmony.

Some writers seem like giants BECAUSE they stand on a par with the reader.

Treat your parents the SAME way you would like your own children to treat you.

BECAUSE of the way he fell silent, and ALSO by his guilty look, Serpilin felt that a man was standing in front of him who did not know how to defend himself.

They also rose noisily (UP) THE MOUNTAIN.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

We saw only the foamy crests of furious (2) waves and heard the cries of alarmed (3) birds frantically (4) flying over the sea.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.

2) During a test lesson or oral exam, strive to construct your answer in the form of a coherent statement.

3) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves, you come across hare and squirrel tracks.

4) The forest and field and flowering meadow are flooded with sun.

5) The girl was overcome, if not with annoyance, then with obvious dissatisfaction with herself.


The soldiers (1) who brought Prince Andrei (2) and removed from him the golden icon (3) that Princess Mary had hung on his brother (4) seeing the kindness with which the emperor treated the prisoners, hastened to return the icon.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

While engaged in literary creativity, V.I. Dal (1) of course (2) considered the creation of the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” to be the main work of his life. According to the memoirs of his contemporaries (4), he wrote down the first word for this book (3) at the age of eighteen.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The first stage of business conversations or negotiations (1) may be an introductory meeting (2) during which (3) the subject of negotiations is clarified and organizational issues are resolved.


Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The bright greenery of the reeds mixed in the picturesque forest swamp with white clouds of blooming angelica and curly willow (1) and (2) when you walk along the edge of the forest (3) you involuntarily grab onto the long branches of marsh bushes (4) that stretch towards the path.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) In a foreign city, the hero of the story felt lonely.

2) According to the hero’s mother, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone.

3) After talking with his mother, the narrator felt joy in his soul.

4) Selfless love can create kindness in people.

5) This was the only letter from my mother that was saved.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*


Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 3-5 contain description.

2) Sentences 9-10 present the narrative.

3) Sentences 33-35 present the narrative.

4) Sentences 17-20 present the reasoning.

5) Sentences 8-10 provide a description.

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.

(3) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (4) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(5) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone.


What word is used figuratively in the text? Write it down.

huge (sentence 4)

noisy (sentence 5)

black (sentence 8)

selfless (sentence 29)

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.


Among sentences 31-35, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.


Read an excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

An excerpt from I. A. Ilyin’s story “Christmas Letter” is distinguished by the confidential simplicity and emotionality of speech. The author widely uses syntactic means of expression in the text, including (A)_____ (sentences 11, 17) and (B)_____ (sentences 22, 23, 24). The text also contains lexical means of expression, for example (B)_____ (“huge” in sentence 4, “times” in sentence 8). In some cases, tropes are used, primarily (D)_____ (“streams of reciprocal love flow” in sentence 27, “the heart blooms and smells fragrant” in sentence 34).

List of terms

1) rhetorical exclamations

2) metaphor(s)

3) row(s) of homogeneous members

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) synonyms

6) appeal(s)

7) comparison(s)

8) interrogative sentences

9) book vocabulary

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) This was several years ago. (2) Everyone, getting ready to celebrate Christmas, prepared Christmas trees and gifts. (3) Shop windows and house windows shone with festive lights. (4) Garlands and huge colored balls were hung everywhere. (5) A crowd of townspeople, motley, noisy and cheerful, filled the streets.

(6) And I, a homeless wanderer, was alone in a foreign country - no family, no friend, and it seemed to me that I was abandoned and forgotten by everyone. (7) There was only emptiness and no love around: a distant city, strangers, cold hearts. (8) Once, in melancholy and despondency, I suddenly remembered a bundle of old letters that I managed to save through all the trials of dark days. (9) For the first time in the past year, I took it out of my suitcase, untied it... (10) Then I unfolded the first of the letters - it was a letter from my mother, written twenty-seven years ago.

(11) “My dear child, Nikolenka! (12) You complain to me about your loneliness, and if you only knew how sad and painful your words make me. (13) With what joy I would come to you and convince you that you are not alone and cannot be alone! (14) But you, of course, know that I cannot leave my dad, since he suffers a lot and constantly needs my care. (15) And you need to prepare for exams in order to successfully graduate from the university. (16) Well, let me at least tell you why I never feel lonely.

(17) You see, son, a person is lonely when he doesn’t love anyone. (18) And if he loves, then it never even occurs to him to think about whether he is lonely or not. (19) In love, a person forgets himself, he lives in others. (20) And this is happiness.

(21) I can already hear your objection that happiness lies not only in loving, but also in being loved. (22) But whoever really loves does not count or beg: what will my love bring me?.. (23) Will reciprocity await me? (24) Or maybe I love more, but they love me less? (25) A person who measures and weighs does not love. (26) Let your love go free, let its rays shine and warm in all directions. (27) And you will soon feel that streams of reciprocal love are flowing towards you from everywhere. (28) Why? (29) Because your immediate, unintentional kindness, your selfless love will imperceptibly evoke kindness and love in people in return. (30) And then you will perceive this reverse flow not as hard-won happiness, which you had to demand and achieve, but as undeserved earthly bliss.”

(31) I finished reading my mother’s letter with tears in my eyes. (32) From the distance of the past years, I again heard her warm voice, which brought me love and comfort, like “undeserved earthly bliss.”

(33) And then I thought that our love is the thread with which we are tied to our loved one. (34) Whoever loves, his heart blooms and smells fragrant, and he gives his love like a flower gives its scent. (35) Such a person does not feel lonely.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)*

Text source: MIOO: Diagnostic work 12/12/2012 option 1.

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