Individual training on seducing girls. Pickup lessons for guys: rating of free online lessons for beginners

Pick-up training for girls, organized in the capital, provides an opportunity to practically acquire knowledge and skills in professional relationships, as well as seduction. In these classes you will be able to fully relax, get rid of pressing problems, relax in a comfortable atmosphere, gaining invaluable experience.

Pick-up training for girls takes place according to different programs. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for you or consult with professionals. All courses include not only theoretical, but also practical parts. The theory presupposes your familiarization with applied information, as well as examples that are subject to practical implementation. Practical training takes place in the field, allowing you to put your acquired knowledge into practice.

A significant advantage of women's pickup is that it is taught by highly qualified trainers who not only have higher coaching and psychological education, but also rich life experience, as well as a successful personal life. Therefore, you can quickly acquire the skill of the art of seduction.

Pickup for women: feasibility of training

Its importance is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is necessary in order not to wait for gifts from fate, but to begin to act. And victory will definitely be for those who take the initiative into their own hands. All ladies want to find a worthy man who would make them happy. But desire is not enough, you need to start acting. But you may not know how or, on the contrary, you may experience insurmountable blocks within yourself. In such cases, a female pickup truck comes to the rescue. While studying it, you will be introduced to the basic secrets of dating, will be helped to get rid of indecision and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

During the classes you will be able to gain a lot of useful information, as well as practical knowledge and experience. In an atmosphere of absolute comfort and friendliness, you will learn:

  • How to overcome fear of dating;
  • How to approach the person you like;
  • How to meet him;
  • How to talk to a young man;
  • How to behave during acquaintance;
  • How to please a man;
  • How to act confident and charming.

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as well as more useful information on the topic of building relationships

Tips on flirting, courtship and seduction back in the 1st century AD. e. given by the Roman poet Publius Ovid Naso. There are no unavailable women, he writes in his “Science of Love.” If you are confident, attentive and persistent, you can conquer anyone. Ovid did not conduct trainings or seminars for Roman citizens. But his book, even in the Puritan era, rivaled the Bible in popularity.

From Ovid to columns in Men's Health magazine and pickup courses there is a huge cultural distance. As the French historian Jean-Claude Bologne writes, the modern “cadre is unthinkable without contraceptives, coeducational schools, paid holidays, women’s emancipation and sexual freedom.” But this freedom did not turn out to be favorable immediately and not for everyone.

After the revolutionary 1960s, people found themselves in a world in which old models of relationships no longer work, and new ones have not yet been invented. For some, this freedom caused not enthusiasm, but frustration.

Do I have enough sexual partners? How attractive am I? Why does everyone have sex, but I don't? Who is to blame and what to do?

It is on this stage that the modern pickup truck emerges - an industry in which some heterosexual men teach other heterosexual men how to seduce girls. These words will probably make Ovid turn over in his grave, but there is a direct line of continuity between his “Science of Love” and pickup training.

In 1977, Eric Weber's book "How to Meet a Girl" appeared - a collection of rather banal advice with the subtitles "Don't be rude", "The importance of being gallant" and, of course, "50 phrases for dating." For example, such as: “What color are your eyes? They are so beautiful."

In the 1980s, Ross Jeffries develops a seduction technique based on a quasi-scientific method (NLP). By the early 2000s, pickup guru Mystery appeared in the United States, conducting the first practical seminars: pickup artists in groups go to bars, nightclubs and shopping centers to meet girls and practice their skills.

An elaborate pickup theory emerges, in which sexual success is declared the road to personal growth.

The measure of this success is the quantity (and quality, which is measured on a special scale from 1 to 10) of seduced partners. The practical advice is supported by a set of principles drawn from evolutionary psychology. Women's sexual desire comes down to a set of stimuli and responses that can be consciously manipulated.

Pickup schools came into the spotlight of public attention in 2005, after the publication of the book “The Game” by journalist Neil Strauss. The book follows the transformation of a timid music reviewer who has bad luck with women into a successful sex guru. On the one hand, a journalistic investigation, on the other, a set of rules and seduction techniques, “The Game” became a New York Times bestseller, was translated into several languages ​​and sold more than 2.5 million copies.

By the end of the 2000s, pickup schools appeared in Germany, France, Brazil, India, China, Russia and other countries of the world. Pickup guru Mystery is creating his own reality show on VH1.

Seduction is becoming a multi-million dollar industry. It turns out that thousands of men are willing to pay a fortune for classes that will help them solve their sexual problems - or what they perceive as such.

Pick-up artists are quickly labeled as social evils - manipulators, misogynists and perverts. In the 2010s, public interest in this industry gradually fades away. Former pickup gurus are leaving the business and retraining as personal growth coaches. Some of them receive accusations of harassment and rape. A coach named Julien Blanc is not being given a visa by several countries due to online posts filled with male chauvinism. In the era and technology of the pickup truck seems almost a barbaric anachronism.

But even now, seduction courses have not disappeared or gone underground. Their visitors are not a bunch of social misfits and misfits. Many of them are well-educated professionals who work in business, finance or IT.

These are ordinary people. They have difficulty dating girls and want to have more control over their sex life. Unfortunately, pickup schools are almost the only institution that specifically offers them help.

What do they teach in pickup truck courses?

Although some pickup coaches claim that their job is to help people gain self-confidence and build long-term relationships, the main goal of pickup is still sex. Sexual relationships are defined as a game with clear rules. Some people grasp these rules easily and naturally; others, less fortunate, need special instruction. The courses are intended for them.

This game has two sides - external and internal. From the outside, pick-up artists learn to use certain techniques and techniques: how to approach a girl, start a conversation, arouse interest and gain trust. One tip is to send ambiguous signals that cannot be interpreted unambiguously. For example, giving dubious compliments that can be perceived as an insult: “When you laugh, your nose trembles very cute” or “You look good - for your age.”

The inner game is determined by the rule “fake it till you make it” - portray yourself as a successful alpha male and soon you will become one.

The pickup artist needs to abandon the thought patterns that are supposed to be ruining his life. For example, from the idea that he should be sweet and caring. Or that there are few girls around who are ready to sleep with him. Or that women are fundamentally capable of thinking and making rational decisions. Or that emotional intimacy is an important part of a sexual relationship. All this needs to be put aside.

Specific pickup practices are changing quite quickly. Sociologist Rachel O'Neill has been studying the British seduction training market for about ten years. She came to the conclusion that during this time the industry has greatly transformed. Now coaches focus not on memorized lines, but on natural behavior, humor and self-confidence. Cliched phrases and dubious compliments are truly a thing of the past. Perhaps identifying pick-up artists in a bar or at a party has become a little more difficult.

But the essence remained the same.

Sex for a pickup artist is a commodity that is under female control. To win the competition for him, you need to bypass or break through the protective barriers of female psychology.

To do this, you need to learn how to evoke and control sexual desire. It does not arise spontaneously, but is created through focused and hard work.

For some, pickup courses actually help - it's not just quackery. But such success comes at a price.

The main reason for the attractiveness of pickup training is not even sex, but the promise of control. The men who come to these classes know how to act according to certain rules and patterns. But when it comes to personal relationships, they lose ground. During the trainings, they are given clear instructions: how to behave, make an impression, how to get as much sex as they want. But at the same time, the relationship turns into an impersonal competition for sexual resources.

What is important is not the women themselves, but the control over their bodies. If something goes wrong, you can always start over.

Such relationships, O’Neill notes, very quickly cease to bring joy. Sex becomes a job that needs to be done over and over again in order to feel meaningful and successful.

Pick-up artists objectify not only women - here feminist criticism misses the mark. First of all, they objectify themselves.

How former pickup gurus grow up

Journalist Neil Strauss, who after the release of the book “The Game” became one of the main pickup gurus in the United States, ten years later published the book “The Truth.” He initially wanted to write about the breakdown of modern marriage and explore new forms of non-monogamous relationships. Plans changed.

After cheating on his girlfriend with her close friend, he ended up in a psychiatric clinic with a diagnosis of sex addiction. In the end, he returns to where he should have started - to his own emotional problems.

He admits that for several years he could perceive any woman only as a sexual target. In his youth and adolescence, his mother controlled his relationships: she even forbade him to date girls whom she considered unsuitable. Hence the desire for sex without intimacy, the fear of being vulnerable in front of another person and in front of oneself.

“The rules of the “Game” imply treating a woman more as an object than as a person - now I see this very clearly. Apparently, my self-esteem was so low that I tried to increase it by being content with the bodies of other people, without thinking about any other contact. And hanging out with women was just an opportunity to feel better, not an opportunity to connect with another human being.”

- from an interview with Neil Strauss

Now he has a wife and child. In addition to writing, he is still involved in trainings - but they are no longer dedicated to pickup, but to parenting and self-development.

It would seem like a wonderful scenario: a former preacher of debauchery repents of his sins and swears allegiance to traditional cultural foundations. But it's too melodramatic to be true.

Strauss doesn't renounce pickup and doesn't talk about the dangers of casual sex or polyamory. He says he has matured and lost the insecurities and insecurities that he has tried to compensate for by having a huge number of sexual partners.

"The Game" was once an important milestone, but now it's time to move on.

Seduction training is not just a way to profit from losers and outcasts, no matter how much we would like to convince ourselves otherwise. It is a failed attempt to overcome the breakdown of gender roles and give clarity and structure to relationships between men and women. Previously, for this purpose there were marriage contracts, collections of love letters and treatises like Ovid’s “Science of Love”. Now - courses on how to learn to seduce girls in 5 minutes.

More successful pick-up artists arrange their sex life according to the laws of the market, in which they strive to get as large a share as possible. The less fortunate become involuntary virgins who divide the world into those who have access to sex and those who will never get it.

Ultimately, no one benefits from this: neither women, nor men, nor even successful pickup gurus.

“The novelty of having too much sex wears off quickly,” says a former seduction trainer. “I just slept with one girl, but I’m already texting the next one to ask her out on a date and get her into bed... I’m bored with sex.”

Historically, everything related to dating training in Russia is usually called pickup.
Now we will not go into detail about why this happened, but will answer the main question: how exactly can you fill your life with truly beautiful girls.

Answer these questions first:

Do you want to learn how to seduce girls?
Or do you still want your communication with women to become more
open, honest and enjoyable for both parties?

Do you want to learn how to pick up girls?
Or do you still want to change in such a way as to become
objectively more attractive and desirable for girls to
Did they themselves want to have sex with you and didn’t need to be persuaded to do so?

Do you want to learn how to “dump” girls correctly?
Or do you still want girls to have a good opinion of
you, respected and appreciated?

“I went through pickup training and agree that many (and perhaps most) of the exercises from pickup training are idiotic. Their only goal is to stupidly give courage to nerds, nerds and other notorious teenagers.

Examples of exercises (when I remember that I did them myself, it becomes disgusting):
get to the bottom of men (security guards, salesmen, etc.) - fuck them with stupid claims a la “why aren’t you working?”;
get to the bottom of the girls - why they don’t carry condoms with them, etc.;
ask the girls to sing a song with you; get to the bottom so that she sends you or hits you;
beg a stranger for a gift, a glass of coffee, etc.;
somehow beg for a kiss on the cheek/neck/lips; and other insanity...

I remember how disgusting it was, how uncomfortable it was. As a result, something changed inside and I became a slob. Now I’m not ashamed of anything at all. But is that cool? I want to be a decent guy... And the pickup trainers turned me and the other participants into antisocial elements. I would like to learn how to be an interesting conversationalist, be able to give the necessary positive emotions, in general, give joy to myself and the girls from communication. And the pickup is essentially false and rude. Not for smart people."

Then maybe you don’t need a pickup truck, but something else?

You can attend pickup master classes for a very long time, take individual pickup lessons and wonder why the results do not please you.
You can find pickup truck lessons online and study them at home - it will be even less useless.
You can set a goal - how to become a pickup artist and even open your own pickup courses.
As my many years of experience show, this will not make you happier.
Using the pick-up rules for picking up, you will learn how to “seduce”, “squeeze” and “dump” girls, but we, it seems, have already decided that this is not what you need.
What are the most effective pickup courses? None. Which pickup coaching to go for? Not at all. Pickup seduction lessons cannot be effective by definition.

My name is Thomas and I can greatly reduce your time. You won't have to study ineffective and even destructive pickup courses. And we will start right now!

First, read and feel these simple things:

The goal of dating is not to “pick up the phone,” as they say in pickup courses, but to make such an impression on the girl that she wants to see you again, thinks about you and waits for your call.

The goal of a date is not to “communicate without pause,” but to understand the essence of the girl and involve her in your world, showing her attractiveness.

The goal of a relationship is not to have regular sex with a beautiful girl, but to make her happy every day and through this become happy yourself.

In 2007 I created the TLC project.

What is the difference between TLC and pickup?
TLC's job is to make you the kind of man
which you yourself would wish for your daughter.

If you consider a girl a “victim”, a “target”, a “trophy”, and the process of communication itself as a “war” or “confrontation”, then this will never lead you to quality results with girls. It is necessary to get rid of these beliefs, and the pickup truck only takes root these ideas, offering “new weapons” in order to win this “war” more often.

The basis of TLC is that there is no war.

We have retrained hundreds of pickup training graduates. Pick-up trainers often come to us. They all have the same goal - how to meet a girl beautifully, easily and naturally.

Below we have provided 4 reviews from the most popular pickup trainings and pickup coaching.

Review of TLC after RMES

“2 years ago I passed the basic RMS. It turned out to be little and everything that the coach said boiled down to one thing - do more approaches. I “learned a little how to seduce using the brute force method, but I wanted “really efficiency. Based on a recommendation, I got into TLC and am “immensely glad that I took part in LifeStyle coaching.”

TLC's approach is fundamentally different from RMS's. If on RMS “the goal of the first date is for the girl to come on the second, and the goal of the second is to squeeze in sex so that on the third she comes ready for sex” (this is the basic model, which is called a “three-date”), then on TLC such a primitive no, not even close. On TLC, I realized that you don’t need to wait for the second date to start positioning yourself as a lover, but you need to do this while you’re dating, and the main thing is that “positioning yourself as a lover” is not “molesting” and “groping”, but this the correct internal states through which you can now excite a girl much faster. At RMS we work with the behavior “do the right actions and there will be a result”, at TLC we work with internal states.”

“The TLC coaches identified a bunch of my mistakes. For example, at RMES they said “that in a club you need to do a lot of small communications with girls and guys. Doing this made me feel kind of pestered and “wasted a lot of emotions. On TLC, they showed me how to hang out in a club for fun, with a sense of self-respect and to do fast without much emotional investment. The so-called “good fasts”. At the same time, at RMS we were all taken to factories, and at TLC to an empire. I also really “liked the fact that LifeStyle coaching includes “individual lessons with a trainer.”

Review of TLC after Alex Leslie

“My acquaintance with the topic of seduction began with Leslie’s book and, to my happiness, “as I now understand, I ended up not at some pickup training, but at LifeStyle coaching.” But my friend fell for Leslie.

As a result: I get to know girls calmly, we quickly establish mutual understanding, I immediately make an approach from above and position myself as a lover. My friend: he behaves like an inappropriate person (I’m ashamed to even go to a club with him now), he behaves like a buffoon with girls.

He runs around the club from one to another, immediately paws everyone, and then wonders why no one wants to date him. Somehow they told him that he needs to touch the girl right away, and that’s how he freezes everyone off. I don’t think about touching at all. When dating, I usually don’t touch girls at all and then everything goes fine. Another interesting point: at TLC I received a clear answer: “if you invite a girl, you pay for the time you spend,” but at Leslie it was hammered into my friend’s head that under no circumstances should you pay. As a result, he freezes everyone off again with his “alpha male principles,” and in a week I’m flying to Cyprus with a girl I met in a shopping center, and there was no question on her part that I would pay. Although I paid for the dates, and in theory, in Leslie psychology, she was, as it were, a “dynamist” and should have been able to set me up for the trip. In general, on TLC everything is somehow human and this view of seduction seems much more correct to me.”

Review of TLC after Ortega Project

“Before I got to LifeStyle, I completed the Ortega training “Project. What did I take away from there? I understood how to behave in clubs, “what to talk about and in what light to show. I learned how to do PR and, in principle, it gave good results. But very soon it began to bother me that the girls were sleeping not with me, but with the image that I create. After sex, naturally, the screen “fell and nothing went further, the relationship did not begin.

The moment of truth was the situation when I liked a very beautiful girl in a cafe. About 25 years old in appearance, aristocratic in gestures, formal suit. What I've done? I approached her and, as always, began to unwind: telling her what an interesting guy I was, what countries I had been to, how my friends and I rode on a yacht. All this, of course, to please her. She listened to me for about two minutes and then looked into my eyes so carefully and said a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life: “What are you making out of yourself? Why are you telling me all this? I don't waste my time making bubbles." I saw the light in a moment. In reality, all this social tinsel, unwinding and status pressure only worked on the average attractiveness of provincial girls, but it did not add happiness and I did not want to build a relationship with any of them. So I decided to go learn natural seduction.

I registered on the website, listened to the audio, watched the video and decided to come to the live classes. In a nutshell, I became real! I became myself the way girls like me! Without “pe esoks”, “interests according to the list” and the correct position of fingers on pockets (those who have been there will understand). Thanks to TLC, I've matured 10 years."

Review of TLC after PICKUP RU

“Before taking the LifeStyle coaching, I took the course. Now, I can already objectively say that the whole model of “seduction was presented there as a fight with a girl, like chess, where in order to have sex with a girl, you need to “defeat” her. Real war! And in war, as you know, all methods are “good: manipulation, templates, and even outright deception. This didn’t appeal to me at all, although I saw guys who were very upset precisely because of this.

The trainers' speeches openly showed hatred towards girls and, it seems, this was the main motivation for seducing them. To make it clear, here is a typical dialogue from the training:
Student: Yesterday after the date we went to my place, I fucked her for about two hours, and then we had sex. She refused to give a blowjob, but I twisted her arms, climbed on top of her and came on her face.
Coach: Eee! Cool, you dropped it!

Of course, it brought some results, I took phone numbers from girls, but this was not at all what I wanted and I went to TLC. After, TLC was just a balm for the wound. I saw an intelligent trainer who loves girls and builds the entire model of seduction on mutual pleasure. There was no mention of the term “lowered”.
I clearly understood how to think and what to feel during the process of seduction, so that both the girl and I understood that we were in the same trench and that there was no war. I really liked this approach and all the tricks that I learned on TLC really fit into the map. The number of girls has not increased, but the quality has increased very much

I understand that it may not be easy for you to comprehend all this. Especially if you have already read some books on pickup or watched pickup courses online. Believe me, the sooner you start learning about TLC's natural seduction, it will be better for you. Don’t open it for later, start by watching my “TLC-Basic” course, fortunately you can do it absolutely free!

“Why get into trouble and repeat mistakes that have already been made for you?”

Roman Vinilov.

Hello! Roman Vinilov is in touch again.

Have you ever wondered why pickup training is so popular – and not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

It's simple. Firstly, humans are social animals, loneliness kills us. Secondly, the instinct of reproduction is one of the main ones, and its implementation is the subconscious goal of everyone. It turns out that dating, seduction and building relationships is almost the most pressing problem of humanity.

First, a fact: pickup training can make almost any man successful among women. Try to challenge it. Let me make a reservation right away that we are talking about good pica training. It’s quite easy to distinguish them - you need to look at how many years the project has existed, what kind of coaches it has and what they say about them. If it has been around for at least a year, then it’s not difficult to find reviews; if it’s less, it’s better not to take risks.

The benefits of pickup training for men

The ability to meet girls, success in relationships and communication with the opposite sex is not something that is given to us from birth. Every person experiences problems, and some face problems in their youth that can have an effect on the rest of their lives. You can go this route, or you can sign up for pickup training - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk or any other city.

When we need to learn a foreign language, we go to a special school and try to surround ourselves with native speakers. We attend public speaking courses and learn effective communication to achieve our goals. Pickup training for men is also a way to learn, in this case, all the intricacies of communicating with the opposite sex. This science has been developing for many years, and its bearers have something to teach any man.

Sooner or later, every man wants to find “the one” or simply bring more sex into his life. And if you are reading this article, then you have probably decided to understand the topic yourself. And even though the Internet has long been full of articles on this topic, pickup training is much more effective. The effect of mentoring. The coach will point out your mistakes. Throw away what doesn't work. It will save your time by guiding you towards achieving results. If you practice thoughtlessly, you may not achieve results or stop at the first successes - like those who go to the gym. It's no secret that working with a coach and working independently are two different things.

Why is it difficult to achieve results by studying pickup on your own if there is so much material on the Internet? Will explain. There is fundamental knowledge, theoretical basis and practice. Professionals write articles answering specific common questions based on fundamental knowledge and past experience. This fundamental knowledge is inaccessible to most people, and it would take several years to learn it, plus the same amount of practice.

What you encounter may differ from typical situations. When reading articles, you do not receive feedback and cannot immediately correct mistakes or determine what you are doing wrong.

What do pickup trainings provide:

  • They will teach you how to meet girls and overcome the fear of approaching the lady you like anywhere. Allows you to understand how a girl’s psychology works at this moment.
  • and her seduction. Pickup training allows a man to become what girls like and want.
  • Building a relationship with the girl you like, how to behave and take a role in the relationship so that it is harmonious and happy.

What else can a pickup truck help with?

  • Bring back your beloved girl, make her fall in love with you again. Change yourself so that she sees you again.

Why is this so important?

I’ll say it again: a man can learn to meet and communicate with girls on his own. But he will inevitably go through a path consisting of mistakes and disappointments. The problem is that relationships with the opposite sex are one of the main troubles of the male part of this world. Love can sometimes interfere with fate in an irreversible way. And so, while making headway on your own, are you sure that you can not lose your head over the next beauty, and if you fail, you won’t get injured for life? It's very easy to hurt a man's ego. Classes with a trainer will allow you to reach your goal in the shortest possible way, avoiding fatal mistakes.

If we are talking about the return of a beloved girl, then I can say that in general all cases are unique and require an individual approach. But the statistics of returns when working with a trainer is amazing.

The pickup truck in Russia is not many years old, but we have already experienced a revision of views. If earlier it was aimed at immediate results and was a real salvation, for example, for students (how to meet and seduce a girl without spending money), now the goals are slightly different. More and more grown men who know what they want are coming to learn pickup. The approach itself is changing. Instead of the outer shell, we work on developing a man in all aspects.

The most interesting thing is that pickup training as a result has a positive effect in all other areas of life: communication with people, business, style, sports and others.

How to get to pickup training?

I hope you understand the benefits of pickup training for men. You should not be biased towards this phenomenon, if only because it is a really effective method to change your life, becoming a truly happy and successful person.

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