Pregnancy 8 weeks what should the belly look like? Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens in the body of the mother and fetus? When do you need medical help?

The 8th week of pregnancy is obstetric, corresponding to 6, so to speak, embryonic weeks. This means that if a woman is healthy, then a relatively calm period begins.

As a rule, most expectant mothers have already managed to visit a gynecologist before this date, who registered them for pregnancy. If this does not happen, then you still need to rush to the antenatal clinic.

After all, only on the basis of carefully conducted tests can you decide on such an important and necessary pregnancy management plan for every expectant mother and baby. This will allow, in the future, to avoid possible unpleasant moments and situations that may arise in the developing fetus or in the pregnant woman herself.

The most important things in the 8th week of pregnancy

Child sizes:

  • Growth: the embryo already reaches a size of 14-20 mm and a weight of 3 g.
  • Pulse: according to the norm this week, the baby’s pulse should be in the range from 140 to 160 beats per minute;
  • KTR (coccygeal-parietal size): at the beginning of the 8th week this size is normally 16 mm, and by the end of the week it should reach 22 mm.
  • TVP (collar thickness): The time has not yet come for this indicator.


Since the level of hormones during this period continues to rise, the previously appeared symptoms of pregnancy become even more noticeable.

Outwardly, this can be manifested by a change in the woman’s emotional background. Excessive tearfulness and drowsiness appear. The expectant mother is increasingly in a state of fatigue and some kind of weakness.

Unpleasant cramps and squeezing sensations may sometimes appear in the uterine area. There is no need to worry if this happens for a short time and is practically painless. This means that a woman’s uterus gradually stretches, adapting to the size of the growing fetus.

There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

But, perhaps, the main problem during this period of pregnancy is toxicosis. Disgust from even the most beloved dishes, debilitating nausea, increased salivation, even vomiting, slightly spoil such a long-awaited and desired pregnancy.

Just don't get too upset about it. Just a little time will pass and all the bad symptoms and sensations will disappear.

Physiological changes

At the physiological level, the process occurs at this stage of pregnancy, both in the mother’s and in the child’s body.

What happens in a woman's body?

During this period, more and more changes occur in the woman’s body, of course. First of all, the uterus is growing. This, in turn, puts a certain additional pressure on the bladder. Therefore, frequent urination occurs. But this process, with the normal development of pregnancy, occurs completely painlessly.

Problems with the intestines such as constipation can also occur.

The growing uterus sometimes provokes pinching of the sciatic nerve, as it begins to put pressure on it. From here, a sharp, seemingly tugging pain appears in the woman’s lower back. Such pain may also be present in the buttocks and thighs. If such symptoms appear, you should simply lie down on the side opposite to the pain.

At the 8th week of (obstetric) pregnancy, some women experience increased discharge. This process should not be accompanied by itching. If this fact is present, you should see a doctor. Minor brownish discharge, if there is no nagging pain in the abdomen, poor health and back pain, is also considered acceptable during this period. But the doctor should still be notified.

Breast volume continues to increase. At the physiological level, this is evidence that processes are gradually replacing adipose tissue with glandular tissue.

This stage of pregnancy assumes a certain body temperature of the expectant mother. It should be around 37 or slightly higher. A temperature of 38 or more requires immediate medical consultation and treatment.

Insomnia may be a companion during this period. This negativity can be eliminated by walking in the fresh air, regularly and, of course, before bed.

The skin of the expectant mother at 8 weeks of pregnancy becomes especially smooth. But under the influence of certain physical factors, peeling sometimes appears.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

At the current stage of pregnancy, the unborn baby is assigned the status of a fetus. From now on, the word “embryo” is no longer about it. The placenta is actively developing, which means the protective barrier from external factors is becoming stronger and more reliable every day. Uteroplacental blood circulation is significantly improved. And the main achievement of this period is that now the baby will be fed through the mother’s umbilical cord. Despite its tiny size, the fetus already has the appearance of a person, and on an ultrasound it is even possible to distinguish facial features.

During this week of pregnancy, all internal organs continue to improve. The baby’s heart is now four-chambered, bronchial branches are already visible in the lungs, and kidneys have appeared.

In boys, the testicles continue to develop, in girls - the ovaries, which are already beginning to produce eggs. However, even with ultrasound examination it is not yet possible to distinguish the sex of the child.

The development of the nervous system is also taking giant strides. The baby actively clenches and unclenches his fists on his arms and “tumbles.” On an ultrasound, all these movements are clearly visible. But due to the too tiny size of the fetus, the mother cannot yet feel these movements.

The 8th week of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance and formation of all organs. There will be no new appearances throughout the subsequent pregnancy. Everything that exists will simply develop and improve.

Weight gain

In the first trimester of pregnancy, normal weight gain for a woman is considered to be 400-500 g per week. But if you haven’t been able to gain half a kilo of new weight this week, it’s not a big deal. You should sound the alarm when your mother begins to rapidly gain a kilogram per week. Excess weight can negatively affect fetal development.

Analyzes and examinations

At this stage of pregnancy, the gynecologist leading the pregnancy can already prescribe some laboratory tests.

Objective data

Blood pressure and abdominal circumference in the eighth week of pregnancy are practically no different from measurements taken before conception or in the first weeks of pregnancy.

The doctor may order the following tests:

  1. Biochemical blood test (to assess the condition of certain internal organs of the expectant mother, as well as to identify a deficiency of certain microelements);
  2. Urinalysis for sugar (to assess kidney condition and determine glucose concentration levels);
  3. Urine analysis according to Nicheporenko (to identify hidden inflammations in the body of the expectant mother).

Ultrasound examination

During an ultrasound examination in the current week of pregnancy, the baby’s heartbeat can be clearly heard. Due to the fact that ultrasonic waves are a certain stress for the fetus, its heartbeat under the influence of adrenaline will be slightly increased, by about 10-20 beats per minute.

With this type of study, indicators of contractions of the walls of the uterus are also taken, the muscles of which, under the influence of the same ultrasound, can contract. Therefore, the specialist can make a conclusion - Hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus, which will be considered by doctors as a threat of termination of pregnancy. And if other signs of this condition appear, the woman may require immediate treatment to maintain the pregnancy. If others are not observed, then there is no reason to worry.

HCG at 8 weeks of pregnancy


Light sports activities are also allowed at this stage of pregnancy.

Medicines and medical procedures

In case of illness of the expectant mother, all medications must be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the woman’s body.

Among medical procedures, X-ray examinations and all others that make the mother worry and stimulate the release of adrenaline in the fetus remain prohibited.

8th week of pregnancy with IVF

At this stage of pregnancy, during in vitro fertilization, a woman has too high a risk of miscarriage and termination of pregnancy. This level will decrease only next week. In this regard, in this situation, she must refrain from visiting crowded and public places where the risk of infection with viruses is high, and all physical and emotional stress must be reduced to a minimum.

Features of multiple pregnancy

At this stage, even in a singleton pregnancy, the baby’s heartbeat can already be heard quite well even without ultrasound. And the ultrasound will accurately record two hearts. During the process of this research, the mother will definitely be shown her two children on the monitor screen.

  1. Since at this stage the fetus begins to produce stress hormones, it is necessary for the expectant mother to refrain from participating in activities with a negative emotional connotation, for example, watching films - action films, thrillers, horror films, rock concerts, reading such literature, sports competitions.
  2. We must not forget about timely testing.
  3. Inform your management about your pregnancy; you should reduce your physical activity at work.
  4. Remind your loved ones that they should be especially attentive to you and support you in everything. Don’t hold your emotions inside, cry, speak out if you feel the need to.

Photos of tummies

Photo ultrasound images

Video about 8 weeks of pregnancy

For every woman, the news of pregnancy carries with it many different feelings and emotions. For some, it is long-awaited, desired, the news of it is joy and happiness for the whole family. There are cases when it is undesirable for a number of reasons, but no matter what happens, this news does not remain indifferent.

With the birth of a small life inside a woman, the expectant mother has new experiences and questions. In fact, there are a huge number of them, especially among those who are pregnant for the first time. After all, we really want to protect the little baby in our tummy from all the difficulties and problems of everyday life, from the influence of any factors beyond our control, for example, the environment, natural disasters, stress, falls, etc. The period from 0 to 3 months is especially important. The first trimester is dangerous because the expectant mother may not know about the existence of a small life inside herself and unknowingly expose herself and the baby to dangers: drinking alcohol, smoking, engaging in extreme sports, freezing, steaming, and so on.

When and how does a woman find out about pregnancy?

There are several ways to find out about pregnancy. Firstly, a girl can find out about her situation by physiological changes in the body. There are certain signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks. These include a delay in menstruation by more than 3-4 weeks.

Why such a long time? The fact is that many girls have periods irregularly, so they can be delayed for several days, even a week. This is not a reason to immediately run to the doctor or buy a test. The arrival of menstruation can be affected by a variety of nuances, including overheating in the sun. Any stress, lifestyle changes, nutrition, ecology, hormone imbalance and much more can cause either premature periods or their delay.

Secondly, pregnancy symptoms include changes in a woman’s mood: increased nervousness, aggression or, conversely, tearfulness and apathy. Increased fatigue is also inherent in the early stages. Pregnant women begin to experience enlarged breasts and may experience lower back pain after a hard day. A strong aversion to food may occur, as well as, conversely, a brutal appetite. All changes indicate the birth of a new life in a woman. A girl can find out about her pregnancy as early as 4 weeks without tests or studies. Scientists have proven that knowledge of a new life within oneself can arise on an intuitive level. Some women dream, others feel something in the lower abdomen. For many, every week of the baby’s development is significant, especially such key ones as the 4th, 12th, 36th, 24th and 8th weeks of pregnancy. Photos of the abdomen, records of its measurements in centimeters - all this is collected by expectant mothers in order to capture every moment of the life of the little creature inside.

With the help of the latest research and technology, a woman can find out about pregnancy by purchasing a test. It is injected in a certain way into a woman’s morning urine and shows a positive or negative result. There are many types of tests - super sensitive, simple, those that even show not only the presence of pregnancy, but also the approximate week of fetal development. Such tests are very convenient, but even highly sensitive ones cannot always show the correct result. Therefore, doctors often prescribe special examinations for a woman, as well as conduct a routine examination. Examinations include ultrasound and blood tests. These medical methods of confirming pregnancy are one hundred percent accurate. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, any doctor will determine its presence by examining and determining the size of the uterus.

This is such a nuisance - toxicosis. How can he be dangerous?

When a woman begins to feel changes in herself, she is not always happy about them. This is due to severe nausea, which often overshadows all positive emotions. In pregnant women it is called toxicosis. What it is? This is a painful condition of a woman in response to the presence of cells unusual for her body. In other words, when a child begins to develop, the body cannot accept the new formation inside and begins to poison itself. Toxicosis in pregnant women can manifest itself in different ways: nausea, vomiting, dermatoses, salivation and even softening of bones, asthma, etc. Pregnancy is 8 weeks, the symptoms of which may include toxicosis - a dangerous period. At this time, any strong shaking of the body (as with severe vomiting) or excessive intoxication can affect the development of the child. Therefore, there are ways that help reduce the impact of toxicosis on mother and baby.

Before thinking about how to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, a woman should clearly understand that nausea and vomiting are a normal condition for 8 weeks of pregnancy. The following is not considered normal:

  • vomiting not associated with food intake 3 times a day;
  • pronounced decrease in appetite;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • changes in sense of smell and taste;
  • noticeable decrease in body weight.

It is important to monitor your condition. If you are 8 weeks pregnant and symptoms of toxicosis were pronounced and suddenly disappeared, you need to consult a doctor, as fetal fading may occur. In this case, an ultrasound is prescribed, where the dynamics of the development of the embryo and its heartbeat are visible. If everything is in order, the woman can continue to calmly monitor her condition.

Pregnancy of 8 weeks is not an accidental period for the cessation of toxicosis. During this period, some parts of the chorion turn into the placenta, and certain hormones begin to be produced, which can affect the woman’s body’s acceptance of the child. With this process, toxicosis may end, or it may just begin. If after this period the condition has only worsened, and all the prescribed drugs and procedures do not help, then you need to seriously raise the question of terminating the pregnancy. After all, further strengthening of this condition can have a detrimental effect not only on the fetus, but also on the woman’s health.

Physical development of the embryo at this stage

When the expectant mother learned about life inside herself, she began to be interested in many questions: “8 weeks of pregnancy have already passed, what is happening to the baby?”, “Does he feel his mother’s emotions?”, “What does he look like now?” and so on. Such questions are not surprising for a woman in this condition.

At this stage of development, the child is rapidly growing in size. The bones are slowly becoming stronger, the internal organs have already formed: the intestines are lengthening, the heart is divided into 4 chambers and connected to the main blood vessels, the bronchi are branching. The face is gradually forming: eyes appear, although they are still far from each other, but there are already prerequisites for the formation of eyelids; the upper lip stands out, the nose becomes more visible, and the auricles can already be clearly seen. The arms are the first to develop from the limbs; they can already bend, and fingers also appear. The legs are still poorly developed; they will begin to grow at a later date. A child at the 8th week of pregnancy has primary sexual characteristics - the boy develops testicles.

The weight of the little man approaches 3 grams during this period, and his length ranges from 10 to 20 mm! The uterus gradually increases in size, and by 8 weeks it becomes similar in size to a pomegranate. The woman’s body continues to prepare for the long-term residence of a “tenant”.

Formation of the nervous system of the embryo at the end of the second month of pregnancy

At the end of the second month (pregnancy 8-9 weeks), the basis for the formation of the nervous system is actively laid. It is during this period that a large number of miscarriages occur. Nature, as it were, chooses stronger and more resilient babies. Basic cells appear, the brain and other components of the central nervous system are actively formed. During this period, it is very important to provide comfortable conditions for the expectant mother, since in addition to physical development, the rudiments of the child’s psyche appear. This process is particularly influenced by the mother’s nutrition and the content of essential nutrients in it - vitamins, macro- and microelements, but we will talk about this below. 8 weeks of pregnancy are important for the entire subsequent life of the child precisely because of the formation of the nervous system. The expectant mother needs to give up bad habits, otherwise there may be all sorts of abnormal development of the fetus. Even if there are none (and thank God!), the child may subsequently be inattentive or hyperactive.

The importance of proper nutrition for a pregnant woman during this period

Food plays almost the main role in a person’s life, providing him with all the necessary nutrients. They help to develop, be viable and active. For a pregnant woman, nutrition is indeed very important. The entire development of a child from 1 week to 40 depends on it.

The embryo at 8 weeks of pregnancy consumes few nutrients. After all, his size is still too small for this, and his mother’s supplies are still enough for him. If a girl does not want to gain excess weight, then she needs to make sure that the food is of high quality, rich in all the necessary elements, and also portioned. What does it mean? This means the following: it is better to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions, not to overeat, getting up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, than to eat large portions 3 times a day. This can cause a lot of harmful substances to accumulate in the intestines and cause excess weight.

Pregnancy of 8-9 weeks involves slight changes in your usual diet. It is important that all the necessary elements are present: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and minerals. As for proteins, it is useful to eat meat, especially rabbit meat, fish (preferably boiled), cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, sour cream, eggs (they should not be abused, it will be enough to eat 2-4 per week). It is very important to provide your child with plant-based proteins. To do this, you can eat sesame, peanuts and other types of nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should eat 70-90 g of protein per day. This norm is relative, since it depends on the absorption of proteins by the body, the number of fetuses gestated, the woman’s lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in food, and stress present in life.

Fats for a pregnant woman are a source of energy and strength in the body. But you need to behave very carefully with them. It is better to eat vegetable natural fats (olive, butter and sunflower oil, walnuts, hazelnuts and others). Lard should be used minimally in food. During this period, you need to eat 75 g of fat per day.

Carbohydrates are also very important for the functioning of the body. They provide energy and also affect the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, it is very important to eat them during the 8 weeks of pregnancy. We already know what happens to the nervous system of the embryo during this period. With a lack of carbohydrates, a child’s intrauterine development is disrupted, as fats and carbohydrates are consumed. With their excess, the mother’s weight increases, and fluid retention in the body occurs and, as a result, swelling. It also affects the baby's weight, which can lead to injury during childbirth. It is important not to exceed the daily carbohydrate intake of 300-400 g, especially in the last months of pregnancy. Among the products containing these substances, fruits, some vegetables, flour and bakery products, and cereals are useful for a woman carrying a child.

Tests for the mother at the end of the second month of intrauterine development of the embryo

At this stage (8 weeks of pregnancy) the fetus is still too small in size to be heard or touched. Therefore, there are special medical examination methods that help analyze how it develops, the state of the placenta and water, and also monitor the mother’s well-being. Each hospital orders a different number of tests, but there are standard tests and procedures that are ordered for everyone.

  • Informative is Ultrasound. It is done at 7-11 weeks to more accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and assess the condition of the pregnant woman. Based on the results of this study, the doctor analyzes the placenta and fetal development and makes recommendations on the consumption of folic acid, minerals and vitamins.
  • Blood tests. This is a clinical analysis, donating blood to determine the group and rhesus, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases - this is blood for RW, HIV, hepatitis C and B, studying blood sugar levels. All these studies contain very important information, as they may indicate an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the acquisition of new ones that can adversely affect the child. The results of these tests are also important for monitoring the woman. Separately, it is worth noting a blood test called a coagulogram. It shows the level of blood clotting in a woman’s body. If it is elevated, there is a high probability of blood clots. If it is low, frequent bleeding is possible.
  • Also important Analysis of urine, which is a must. Here the function of the kidneys is assessed.
  • At the appointment, blood pressure is measured, weighing is carried out, the abdomen at the 8th week of pregnancy and the pelvis are measured.
  • A smear on the vaginal flora determines the situation with bacteria. Hidden infections, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and other not very pleasant things can be found here. The level of leukocytes tells a lot. The most important thing is that bacteria from the vagina can move along the cervix to the fetus and provoke an inflammatory process.
  • In the early stages, screening for TORCH infections is carried out. The result indicates the presence of infections that can cause serious fetal defects.

Pregnancy 8 weeks: photo of the fetus

Many mothers, wanting to remember the moments of fetal development, leave copies of the first ultrasound, tests, tests with positive results, and so on. Doctors insist that there are mandatory ultrasound examinations that must be done without fail. They are carried out at 8-11 weeks and 16-21. In other cases, it is better not to expose the child to danger. When a woman is 8 weeks pregnant, a photo of the fetus shows that it already looks like a little person.

How does the threat of miscarriage manifest itself in the second month of pregnancy?

At the end of the second month, there is a high risk of miscarriage. Under unfavorable conditions, spontaneous abortion may occur. To avoid this, you should immediately consult a doctor if:

  1. You have a constant and painful tone of the uterus - tension in the lower abdomen, cramping pain, as if the uterus is gradually turning to stone.
  2. You are 8 weeks pregnant, the discharge is red or brown, its intensity does not matter. We must remember that this is the most dangerous sign.
  3. Pain in the ovaries and uterus.

Precautions for mother during this period

Pregnancy is a woman’s condition when, in principle, she is not sick, but must behave very carefully in everything. During this period, it is important not to lift weights, not to be nervous, to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and also spend more time in the fresh air and drive vehicles carefully. It is necessary to rest and get enough sleep; this is very important for the formation of all systems of the child’s body. Some superstitious mothers, when the 8th week of pregnancy arrives, are afraid to take a photo of the belly, citing the possibility of the evil eye.

Intimate relationships during this period

Doctors are not against intimate relationships at any stage if the pregnancy is progressing well, without various complications. The only important nuance is the position in which sexual intercourse is performed and the method. If there is a threat of miscarriage, intimate relationships will have to be abandoned.

Environment for a pregnant woman in the early stages

There is no need to talk too much about how important peace and comfort is for a pregnant woman in the early stages of pregnancy. Changes in appearance, mood, and even sometimes worldview are caused by changes that occur at the hormonal level. Pregnancy of 8 weeks must be carefully preserved and no overload (emotional and physical) must be avoided, since during this period the fetal nervous system begins to form. Therefore, loving people should take care of the positive attitude of the expectant mother.

In no case are scandals, long journeys, or complex work at home or at work acceptable. You should not carry heavy loads, as they can cause a miscarriage. Particular care should be taken when taking medications. The vast majority of medications are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy, so you need, as far as possible, to carefully protect yourself from various types of infections and other diseases. With the news of the upcoming addition to the family, the entire lifestyle should change. You need to remember that you no longer live for yourself, but for the little man growing inside you. By changing your life, you improve the world around you for your child.

The 8th week of pregnancy corresponds to the 6th embryonic week and, if we consider the periods to be more understandable, then this is the end of the second month from the moment of conception. During this period, all early signs intensify, and it is generally accepted that the most difficult period of pregnancy is over. The wonderful thing about being 8 weeks pregnant is that your baby is undergoing a deformation from embryo to fetus. And now this is a real little man, developing inside the future mother.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, all early signs of pregnancy intensify, and those that have not yet begun begin.

  1. The beginning of the 8th week in a woman begins with changes in taste and problems with food. In some terminology, this period is called “taste perversion.” It goes differently for every woman: some are constantly tormented by a feeling of hunger, others, on the contrary, are visited by a constant aversion to food. Taste buds begin to go crazy, sometimes demanding hitherto unknown tastes, sometimes incompatible foods, for example, herring with sugar. All this is accompanied by toxicosis - constant salivation and vomiting. This condition is rightfully considered the most unpleasant during the entire period of pregnancy and it lasts about 3–4 months. All this is the result of global hormonal changes that begin from the moment of conception. If you feel frequent urge to vomit, this is normal, but if their number exceeds 5 times a day, it is better to tell your doctor about it.
  2. At this time, the uterus continues to actively grow. The woman continues to feel a slight tugging sensation in the abdomen and occasional cramps. The pregnant belly will not yet be visible at 8 weeks, but it will become slightly rounded and take on a barely perceptible shape. However, this will be enough for the uterus to begin to press down on the internal organs, which the mother will immediately feel on the bladder. The urge to urinate becomes more and more frequent. But don’t limit yourself to drinking; on the contrary, this is the time to diversify your non-alcoholic drinks. Also during this period, slight constipation is possible.
  3. The 8th week of pregnancy is considered one of the most dangerous in terms of sudden bleeding and miscarriages. A pregnant woman should take her health more seriously during this period. Eliminate unnecessary stress, normalize tension, eliminate physical activity and heavy lifting. In addition, it is not recommended to stand for long periods of time, drink alcohol and never smoke. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, it is worth increasing the time for sleep and relaxation. Completely eliminate caffeine from your diet and under no circumstances be exposed to radiation or even local anesthesia.
  4. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have renewed or increased discharge. Perhaps even slightly brown in color, but this is quite normal if the woman’s well-being does not deteriorate and unusual pain in the abdomen and back area does not appear, as well as itching in the labia area.
  5. It is at the 8th week of pregnancy that the expectant mother experiences visible changes in her facial skin, which is caused by growth hormone. It is thanks to somatotropin that even a woman’s face can change: her nose becomes a little longer and her lips thicken. Depending on individual characteristics, the expectant mother may experience itchy skin, rashes and pimples. An increase in the number of freckles and the formation of age spots is completely normal. Or maybe quite the opposite: the skin will become soft, dull, smooth and pale in color.
  6. A common pregnancy problem such as a pinched sciatic nerve becomes more likely. This occurs mainly due to the rapidly growing width of the uterus. This manifests itself in the form of intermittent pain in the lower back or even buttocks. Reducing the pressure will help you cope with this: simply lie down on the side opposite the source of the pain until it subsides.
  7. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels changes in the mammary glands. At this time, in preparation for lactation, active replacement of adipose tissue with glandular tissue occurs.

Fetal development at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The 8th week of pregnancy is so special because the baby’s important transition from embryo to fetus occurs with the first visual outline of a little person on ultrasound. At this moment, the mother continues to change - the placenta is actively developing, uterine blood circulation increases. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is still very tiny - only 2 cm, but the baby is already beginning to feed through the umbilical cord. You can clearly distinguish the forming arms and legs, and even the face, on the formed tiny head, is already beginning to take shape.

So what happens to the baby and mother at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

  1. The fruit continues to change at tremendous speed. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby’s internal organs begin to improve and form. The heart develops to four chambers, kidneys and salivary glands begin to appear, communication with large vessels improves, and the formation of the lungs is completed by the branching of the bronchi. Thanks to the active development of bones, joints and fingers appear. Now the child can bend his arms and wrists. The development of the intestine leads to its lengthening so much that it can even protrude into the area of ​​the umbilical cord. The first elements of nerve endings begin to appear in the muscle layer of the stomach.
  2. At the 8th week of pregnancy, rapid changes in the baby’s face occur: the tip of the nose and upper lip are already clearly visible, the ears and eyelids are at the initial stage of formation.
  3. The reproductive system begins to form: testicles in boys and ovaries in girls. In the ovaries of girls, eggs are already beginning to mature.
  4. Due to the active development of the nervous system, on an ultrasound you can see how the baby at the 8th week of pregnancy begins to actively move, squeeze the developing legs and arms. But the fetus is still too small for the mother to clearly feel its movement.
  5. The development of the thyroid gland in a baby at 8 weeks of pregnancy can cause a conflict with the mother’s thyroid gland. Subsequently, this may lead to its incorrect development. If you have previously had indications for thyroid disease, be sure to monitor this issue with an endocrinologist.
  6. The formation of all internal organs of the baby ends at 8 weeks of pregnancy. In the future, their structure will only become more complicated, and the baby will gain weight.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy

In ultrasound pictures at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the unborn baby resembles a raspberry in appearance and size. Compared to the 5th week, when the outline of the black and white photo resembles more of a reptile, the fetus is increasingly acquiring human features.

  1. The heartbeat measured at the next ultrasound examination shows almost 150 beats per minute, which is twice as fast as the mother’s heartbeat.
  2. The outlines of closed eyes with eyelids are still in the formative stage, but you can already see a fold of skin, which will soon transform into full eyelids.
  3. During the formation of arms and fingers, the limbs gradually lengthen and you can see how the tiny embryo seems to hug itself with barely formed arms.
  4. There are still membranes on the baby's palms, but they are actively forming into human hands.
  5. On an ultrasound scan at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal sac for embryo development can already be about 30 mm in diameter. And the fetal fluid increases every day by almost 1.5 - 2 tbsp. spoons for the normal functioning and growth of the baby. This rapid replenishment is ensured by the secretion of the embryonic kidneys and the amnion wall.
  6. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus already becomes the size of a large orange and sharply reduces the resistance index. All this is required to accelerate blood supply and rapid growth in accordance with the needs of the growing body inside.

An increased level of protein in the urine, detected during tests, may indicate kidney disease in a pregnant woman. A general blood test will help the specialist create a more complete picture of health indicators and the progress of pregnancy. In particular, a decrease in the number of red blood cells indicates anemia or possible leukemia, and an increased level may indicate lung diseases. In turn, a low level of leukocytes, detected using a general blood test, may indicate viral hepatitis, influenza or rubella, while an increased level may indicate bacterial infections (tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)

The level of the hormone that is produced by the fetal membrane during the normal course of pregnancy constantly increases. Therefore, an hCG test makes it possible to make sure that pregnancy is proceeding without deviations from the norm.

Temperature at 8 weeks of pregnancy

During pregnancy, global but completely normal physiological processes occur in a woman’s body. Naturally, every expectant mother is sensitive to her health, since it is directly related to the well-being and development of her child. Therefore, any strange condition puts her in a state of panic, especially low or high temperature. In this case, doctors do not recommend trying to normalize it on their own, because at 8 weeks of pregnancy a slightly elevated body temperature can be a completely normal indicator, but a normal temperature is, on the contrary, an alarming indicator.

Normal temperature at 8 weeks of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's temperature rises to a maximum of 37.5 degrees. In the remaining trimesters it drops to normal, but in the overwhelming majority it remains at the same level. There is no need to worry unnecessarily and rush to treat a possible infection - a slightly elevated temperature during pregnancy is completely normal. This is explained by the physiological processes inside a woman’s body that occur during pregnancy.

Let's consider the level of basal temperature and its changes during the menstrual cycle, ovulation and at the time of conception:

  • first phase of the menstrual cycle: temperature rises slightly to 36.8 degrees;
  • period before ovulation: temperature drops to 36.4 degrees;
  • second (luteal) phase of the cycle: temperature can exceed 37 degrees.

Such temperature fluctuations are directly related to hormonal changes during different periods of pregnancy. In particular, with progesterone levels. Its release affects the thermoregulation center of the brain. In addition, after conception, a woman’s body weakens the immune system for the unhindered development of a new organism, otherwise the protective reaction can reject the embryo as a foreign creature.

Fever at 8 weeks of pregnancy

It is normal for a woman to have a slightly elevated temperature during pregnancy. But we must not forget that weakened immune defense not only favors the development of the child, but also the development of various types of infections and diseases. In such a situation, the main identifier has always been elevated temperature, but what to do in the conditions of a double interpretation of this identifier?

During illness, a pregnant mother, in addition to a slightly elevated temperature, will immediately feel general malaise, weakness and muscle aches. Also, during an infection and an active inflammatory process, body temperature can reach up to 38 degrees or higher, which is already abnormal for the normal course of pregnancy, in addition, it can be dangerous for the development of the fetus.

Prolonged high fever during pregnancy can lead to:

  • complications in the development of the central nervous system;
  • underdevelopment and dementia;
  • hypertrophy of muscle tissue;
  • various defects in facial development (cleft lip, cleft palate).

Prolonged fever in the mother can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

Treatment of fever during pregnancy

In this position, a woman needs to take her health and fever seriously. Under no circumstances should you take uncontrolled antipyretic and antiviral medications. Any actions should be carried out only after consultation with the doctor.

Since taking synthetic drugs at 8 weeks of pregnancy can affect the development of the child, the main emphasis should be on natural medicines and traditional medicine methods.

  1. For colds, drinking plenty of linden and herbal infusion, natural apiary honey and warm milk, as well as homemade raspberry and currant jam will be very useful.
  2. A little cool rubbing with plain water will also help reduce the fever and normalize the temperature.
  3. Soaring your feet is strictly prohibited during pregnancy - this can lead to miscarriage.
  4. Any antipyretic drugs based on aspirin can lead to deformation of the embryo, but medications with paracetamol can be used only after consultation with the doctor.

Toxoplasmosis at 8 weeks of pregnancy

Expectant mothers who are not indifferent to our smaller furry brothers should be especially concerned about this issue. Cats are wonderful pets, affectionate towards their owners and good with children. However, there are a number of precautions that should be taken into account if your cat is walking outside.

Everything, of course, changes during pregnancy. These, harmless to a strengthened human body, can penetrate the placenta of a developing child and cause irreparable harm to its development. Infection of the fetus with toxoplasmosis can, in a worse situation, lead to miscarriage.

With this diagnosis, treatment is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, erythromycin or sulfadiazine. But the use of such methods during pregnancy is highly discouraged. In order to protect yourself and your child from such a problem, carefully follow basic hygiene methods. Protect yourself from cleaning your pet's toilet during pregnancy, be careful with meat - handle it thoroughly and wash your hands well after cutting carcasses.

8th week of pregnancy. Video

Having learned about her new status, a woman tries to listen to the slightest changes in her well-being. Since her feelings change every week, she needs to understand which symptoms are normal and for what period, and which are a signal to see a doctor.

Baby at 8 weeks pregnant: fetal size

During this period, the embryo is already 10-15 mm tall. The baby's weight has already reached 3.4-4.5 g. In order for a woman to clearly understand the size of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy, she needs to pick up a small hazelnut.

Embryo development

During this period, the expectant mother does not yet feel the baby moving. But the size of the fetus is quite small, due to which it actively moves in the womb. At this time, the internal organs of the embryo continue to intensively develop:

  • The rudiments of the palate and tongue are formed, and taste buds begin to form.
  • The tail of the embryo decreases significantly in size. Photos of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy are confirmation of this.
  • The limbs and torso are stretched, but outwardly he still looks little like a child. His legs are 3 times shorter than his arms, and his fingers are still connected by membranes.
  • The formation of the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints is completed. Now the child can straighten and bend his arms.
  • Active development of the rudiments of future lungs. They become like the crown of a tree, representing branching bronchi.
  • The heart becomes four-chambered. like all mammals, and is already contracting at a speed of 110-130 beats per minute.
  • The primary one is replaced by the formation of real buds. Their development will occur throughout pregnancy, the final stage of formation will occur after birth.
  • The baby's stomach moves into the abdominal cavity and begins to produce gastric juice.
  • Small tubercles appear on the sides of the head, which can be seen in the photo of the fetus at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. Their size is small, but the inner ear is already forming inside.
  • The outline of lips, a nose with tiny nostrils, and a chin appear on the child's face. This is evidenced by ultrasound photographs of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy. The eyes are large, but they look like two black dots, although they already contain the pigment responsible for their color.
  • The internal genital organs are formed. But outwardly it is still impossible to distinguish a boy from a girl.
  • Bones and cartilage develop. Final formation will end after birth at approximately 25 years of age.
  • The placenta is actively developing and is already involved in the baby’s nutrition, but the yellow sac still helps it.

Hormonal changes

Pregnancy at 8 weeks is influenced by estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. The concentration of hormones increases several times, as they preserve and support pregnancy, and also prepare the woman’s circulatory system for an increase in the amount of blood. Therefore, her main arteries increase in volume.

The corpus luteum begins to produce the hormone relaxin, which relaxes the muscles of the cervix and the ligaments of the uterus. This is due to the constantly growing size of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy. The concentration of relaxin increases every month and by the time of birth reaches a maximum for normal divergence of the pelvic bones.

Weight gain

The size of the fetus increases at 8 weeks of pregnancy, which affects the woman’s wardrobe. On average, weight gain over 2 months averages 1 kg. A pregnant woman gains about 0.2-0.5 kg per week. The amount of weight gained will depend on the presence of toxicosis and body constitution. Thin women will gain less weight than women who tend to be overweight.

Mom's belly

The size of the fetus increases in the 8th week of pregnancy, therefore the uterus also increases. At this stage, it becomes the diameter of a small lemon, while the belly becomes larger on average by 3-5 cm. Since at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy the size of the fetus has increased significantly, others begin to notice the “interesting position” of the woman.

Due to the constant stretching of the uterus, her stomach may hurt. This is normal for the first trimester of pregnancy. Painful symptoms occur due to stretching of the ligaments that connect the bones. Unpleasant sensations most often appear on the right side, since the embryo stretches the uterus in this direction. To alleviate the condition, a woman will benefit from a warm bath and a lying position on her side. If the pain is severe, increasing, or sharp, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Woman's feelings

In addition to changes in the size of the fetus at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the well-being of the expectant mother changes. During this period she may feel:

  • Changing your diet. Special taste preferences may appear that were not there before. In one pregnant woman, appetite increases, while in another, it may disappear or become noticeably dull.
  • Increased number of trips to the toilet. This occurs due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the bladder.
  • Change in skin color. The face may become pale, covered with age spots or pimples, and sometimes, on the contrary, become smoother and more matte. Such changes are associated with an excess of growth hormone - somatotropin - in a woman’s body.
  • Breasts fill up. She is preparing for future lactation. To alleviate the condition, you need to wear a bra made of natural fabric.


At 8 weeks, nausea reaches its peak, then gradually declines. Toxicosis may be accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as: heartburn, belching, changes in taste preferences, loss of appetite. Usually it appears rarely and does not affect the course of pregnancy. But severe toxicosis can deplete a woman’s body.

You should immediately go to the hospital if:

  • vomiting occurs more than 2 times a day;
  • the woman lost weight;
  • food is not digested throughout the day;
  • there is constant weakness.


At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus increases, which requires a large amount of nutrients for its growth and development. A pregnant woman's diet should consist of foods containing large amounts of B vitamins. Their deficiency leads to fetal malformations and anemia. You can replenish the necessary substances by eating oranges, nuts, beans, strawberries, broccoli and spinach. Don't forget about folic acid and vitamins A, C, B, E and iodine.

Nutrition at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother is obliged to monitor her diet. Food must be of high quality. Drinks with a high caffeine content, as well as fried, fatty, salty, preservatives and fast food should be removed from the menu. They are replaced with dietary meat, kefir, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables.

Visit doctor

At 8 weeks, pregnancy is usually already confirmed, and the expectant mother registers with the antenatal clinic during this period. The doctor will conduct an examination that will identify possible problems, which will help prevent further complications. The pregnant woman will be tested for urine, blood and a vaginal smear.

Analyzes will help determine:

  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, AIDS;
  • hemoglobin, sugar and blood cell levels;
  • blood type and Rh factor.

During the appointment, the gynecologist will measure the woman’s height, weight and pelvic width. After which the pregnant woman will have to go through the following specialists: otolaryngologist, dentist, venereologist, ophthalmologist, therapist. This is necessary to reveal the overall picture of a woman’s health. If the expectant mother works in harmful conditions, she must tell the doctor this, and then she must be transferred to another position. If she lives with a seriously ill person, he will also need to undergo a medical examination.

Sex at 8 weeks pregnant

Intimacy at this stage is possible if there is no threat of miscarriage and infectious processes in the body of the expectant mother. But you should adhere to some restrictions:

  • It is necessary to choose positions in which the pregnant woman will not feel discomfort.
  • The actions of future parents should be smooth, without sudden shocks. Because they can cause miscarriage. It is necessary to refrain from any experiments.
  • It is not advisable for a woman to lie on her back, even for such a short period of time. This is due to increased pressure on the vena cava, which is responsible for supplying oxygen to the embryo.

Sex has a beneficial psychological effect on pregnancy. The woman develops a feeling of unity with the father of the child. She feels loved and desired.

Physiologically, sex has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Closeness throughout pregnancy helps to avoid ruptures during labor.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, ultrasound examination is not prescribed. A referral is issued to confirm pregnancy, if there is a threat of miscarriage or a suspected ectopic pregnancy. A woman can receive the following information at 8 weeks of pregnancy:

  • ultrasound photo;
  • fruit size;
  • presence of multiple pregnancy.

The expectant mother will be able to examine her baby, but this will depend on his position in the womb and the quality of the device itself. The negative impact of ultrasound examination has not been proven, but it should not be performed without a doctor’s prescription. Above is a photo of an ultrasound scan at 8 weeks of pregnancy. The size of the fetus allows it to constantly travel in the womb, so getting a clear picture is quite difficult.


They should not have a strong odor, flakes or any inclusions. The discharge may be light in color with a mild sour odor. Any abnormalities may be a sign of infection. The most dangerous are brown spotting, which is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as weakness and dizziness. The presence of one or more signs at the same time may indicate detachment of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Temperature at 8 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, a woman’s temperature may be slightly more than 37 degrees. Due to the increase in fetal size at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, metabolic processes accelerate. This may result in an increase in temperature of several degrees. But if at the same time a woman feels a general deterioration in her health, she should consult a doctor.

A temperature of about 38 degrees may be a sign of an inflammatory process. It can negatively affect the child's development. Therefore, you should not put off going to a specialist. After all, prolonged fever leads to damage to the tissues of the embryo, provokes fading and termination of pregnancy.

Expectant mothers should absolutely not take aspirin. It affects blood clotting and can therefore cause bleeding. To bring down the temperature, it is necessary to use compresses before going to the doctor. He will then prescribe the necessary treatment based on the woman’s “interesting situation.”

Difficulties in pregnancy

During the 8th week of pregnancy, some problems may arise. The main ones include:

  • Toxicosis. At this time, it should be moderate, as it can lead to dehydration of the woman’s body.
  • Miscarriage. At 8 weeks there is a risk of spontaneous abortion. This can happen due to increased tone of the uterus, low viability of the embryo, rejection by the mother’s body as a foreign body, severe stress, trauma, or hormonal imbalances. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if you have acute nagging pain in the abdomen and lower back, as well as the appearance of bloody discharge.
  • Placental abruption. The pathology is accompanied by bleeding and sharp, nagging pain in the abdomen and back. In this case, it is possible to save the child’s life if you consult a doctor in time.
  • Non-developing pregnancy. In the first trimester, the likelihood of developing pathology is much higher than in others. Freezing of the fetus leads to its death and further miscarriage. The causes of the pathology are: infectious diseases, blood clotting disorders, bad habits, stress, taking medications, heavy physical activity. Symptoms of a non-developing pregnancy: decreased levels of the hCG hormone, pain in the lower back and abdomen, chills, elevated body temperature, and the appearance of spotting.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the attachment and development of the embryo occurs outside the uterus. This can occur in the abdominal cavity, on the ovaries, or in the fallopian tubes. An ectopic pregnancy poses a serious threat to a woman's health and life because it ruptures the organ in which it grows. The pathology is diagnosed by a blood test for hCG. The risk group includes women who have previously had an abortion, under 18 and over 35 years of age, with abnormalities in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Rubella and toxoplasmosis. These infectious diseases are dangerous both during primary infection and during pregnancy. They are indications for abortion because they lead to abnormalities in the development of the embryo. To reduce the risk of infection, it is necessary to get vaccinated six months before planning a pregnancy.

So, at this stage, a woman’s belly becomes a little noticeable. This occurs due to an increase in the size of the fetus. At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo can be compared to a hazelnut. He is actively developing, but still bears little resemblance to a person. During this period, a woman may be bothered by toxicosis, discomfort in the abdomen, heartburn, and slightly elevated temperature. If a pregnant woman has not yet registered, now is the time to do so.

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is usually already aware of the presence of a new growing life in her. At this stage, the baby usually makes itself known clearly - often at 8 weeks of pregnancy, all the signs and symptoms of a woman’s “interesting situation” appear quite clearly. Knowing that she is pregnant, the expectant mother must take great care of herself, get rid of all bad habits and “protect” her baby as much as possible. After all, the 8th week of pregnancy enters the so-called critical period of pregnancy, when any negative factors can affect the development of the baby and the woman’s well-being.

8 weeks of pregnancy necessarily involve a ban on alcohol, nicotine, abstinence from carrying heavy objects, and a transition to a healthy and proper diet. It is also necessary to exclude x-rays and dental treatment using anesthesia.

8 weeks of pregnancy is the time to choose the right underwear, first of all, a bra. After all, the breasts at this stage increase significantly; blood vessels may even be visible on them. This is the action of hormones that prepare the mammary glands for upcoming lactation. Also, under the influence of hormones, the condition of a pregnant woman’s skin can change: in some cases it clears, becomes elastic and healthy, in other cases it becomes dry and flaky.

Starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, the risk of encountering a pregnancy complication such as varicose veins increases significantly. This means that it is advisable to give up high heels, try not to be on your feet for a long time, and rest more often with your legs elevated. You can also start selecting suitable compression garments if necessary.

Signs and symptoms

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, all signs and symptoms are mostly already very pronounced. Although it happens that the signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 8 weeks do not manifest themselves clearly, which makes the woman quite worried, wondering if everything is going as usual. And yet, in most cases, it is during this period that the expectant mother feels “to the maximum” all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, the most typical of which is toxicosis. This condition is accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Vomiting that occurs 1-2 times a day is considered normal. But these manifestations can and should be combated by following a certain diet. But in case of severe toxicosis, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor, because frequent vomiting can negatively affect the development of the child.

Feeling at 8 weeks pregnant

But it’s not just nausea and vomiting that can darken a woman’s happiness during pregnancy. Weakness, drowsiness, excessive irritability and emotional instability - all these sensations at 8 weeks often make a woman suffer. Enlarged, growing breasts also cause certain inconveniences, but you will have to get used to this condition, because the mammary glands will increase throughout pregnancy.

But the weight of a pregnant woman at this stage practically does not change - the fetus is still very small. Moreover, many of the mothers, on the contrary, note some slimness that has appeared. The weight also decreases in those women who are faced with manifestations of toxicosis.


In addition to early toxicosis, which often “annoys” a woman (usually it goes away by the 12th week of pregnancy), the expectant mother may experience other unpleasant sensations. Thus, a growing uterus causes certain pain at the 8th week of pregnancy, say, in the pelvis and hips, which is explained by irritation of the sciatic nerve. The way out of this situation is to prevent the uterus from pressing on the nerve, for which you need to lie on the opposite side.

The growing uterus also puts pressure on the bladder, resulting in increased urination. But urination should not be accompanied by any painful sensations, and urine should normally be clean and transparent. Pain during the 8th week of pregnancy when urinating, as well as heaviness in the lower abdomen may indicate the presence of cystitis or pyelonephritis and be a reason for consultation with a specialist.

Not so much pain, but a certain discomfort in the form of heartburn can appear at this period due to digestive disorders.

Training contractions, which can appear now, even if they are minor, can also be classified as pain in the 8th week of pregnancy. But if training contractions are accompanied by severe and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and even bloody discharge even in minimal quantities, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Bleeding at 8 weeks of pregnancy

After all, spotting, and, especially, bleeding at the 8th week of pregnancy, directly indicates, if not an already begun miscarriage, then a greater threat. And, the heavier and longer the bleeding, the greater the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

Light bleeding at 8 weeks of pregnancy indicates an impending abortion. It can last for days, even weeks, and may be accompanied by cramping abdominal pain, cramps similar to menstrual cramps, or back pain. The main thing with a threatened abortion is a mandatory consultation with a doctor, rest and bed rest, and the exclusion of any negative factors.

If a miscarriage has already begun, bleeding at the 8th week of pregnancy is increased, with blood clots and even tissue - this is how the separation of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall begins. Against the background of bleeding, progressive contractions are observed, caused by the opening and contraction of the cervix. Almost always in such cases, a miscarriage cannot be stopped - the uterus actively contracts and pushes the fetus out.


In contrast to bleeding, which is a pathology at this stage, normal discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy is moderate, light or whitish in color, with a slight sour odor. Any changes in the color of the discharge, the appearance of pus, mucus, or an increase in discharge indicate the appearance of an infection in the genitals of the pregnant woman. Other signs of trouble include itching, burning, pain in the genital area, which is accompanied by discharge. Consultation with a doctor and treatment in this case are necessary and inevitable.

Discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy, which is brown in color and sometimes accompanied by nagging pain in the abdominal area, weakness, and dizziness, is also extremely dangerous. Brown discharge at 8 weeks of pregnancy usually accompanies the separation of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus, resulting in blood leakage. This alarming symptom indicates a high risk of miscarriage, which is why the appearance of brown discharge, even painless and in small quantities, requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.


When pregnancy proceeds according to the norm, the uterus at 8 weeks of pregnancy has the size of a goose egg - approximately 7-8 cm. A specialist determines its growing size during a gynecological examination, because the uterus is not yet palpable from the abdominal wall. Again, a gynecological examination will show that the uterus at 8 weeks of pregnancy is soft, the isthmus is softened, the cervix is ​​long, and the external os is closed. Such indicators give the specialist a reason to make a conclusion about the presence of pregnancy.


After which, send the expectant mother for the necessary tests at 8 weeks of pregnancy. The mandatory list of tests includes a urine test for protein; stool analysis; general blood test to study the level of red blood cells and leukocytes, absence of HIV, determination of the Rh factor; general smear; hCG analysis.

A protein test will help rule out the presence of kidney disease in a pregnant woman, which will be indicated by an increased level of protein in the urine.

A blood test, in turn, will also be a very informative form of determining whether the pregnancy is progressing normally. For example, a low number of red blood cells will indicate anemia, the possibility of leukemia or malignant tumors, while an increased level will indicate chronic lung diseases or heart disease. Examines a blood test and the level of leukocytes: a reduced number will indicate the presence of influenza, viral hepatitis, rubella or bone marrow diseases, an increased number will indicate viral or bacterial infections such as tonsillitis, sepsis, pyelonephritis and others.

An hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) test will confirm the presence of pregnancy and help determine whether the pregnancy is progressing as normal. After all, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone produced by the membranes of the fetus - during the normal development of pregnancy constantly increases.


An ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy will show a fetus that will be similar in size to a raspberry. And at this stage, he becomes more and more similar to a little man who is already moving and moving his legs, which can also be shown by an ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy. The baby’s heart beats very quickly at this stage: up to 150 beats per minute, 2 times faster than the mother’s. This rapid fetal heartbeat can be heard by recording the heart rate.

Fetus at 8 weeks of gestation

Although the unborn baby already moves from time to time, its very small size - 14-20 mm long - does not yet allow the mother to feel these movements. The baby is now very different from animal embryos, increasingly acquiring human features. Even with its “face,” the fetus becomes more and more like a little man: eyelashes appear on the eyes, the nose protrudes forward, as does the upper lip and the outer ear. The inner part is just being formed, but the neck is being outlined and the phalanges of the fingers are developing.

The formation of the main organs and systems has already been almost completed, now they will actively and rapidly develop, and some are already even functioning. So, the heart is already pumping blood throughout the small body, the valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery are working, the partitions between the atria and connections with large blood vessels are strengthening.

The nervous system continues to develop, and with it the respiratory system: the bronchial tree grows, the diaphragm emerges. The stomach and intestines are fully formed and have taken their place at this stage, and gastric juice begins to be produced. Also, the kidneys are already secreting urine, while the sweat and salivary glands are still just being formed. Bone and muscle tissue develop rapidly, taste buds are born on the tongue, and receptors appear in the nose (despite the fact that the nasal passages are still closed with mucus).

The 8th week of pregnancy is the time of birth of the optic nerve. And also - the beginning of the formation of testicles in a male fetus and ovaries and eggs in girls.


Since the formation of the fetus at this stage continues to be in full swing, alcohol at 8 weeks of pregnancy is completely and strictly prohibited. First of all, due to the active formation and development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus. Once in the mother’s body, alcohol penetrates the baby, affecting the cells in a damaging way: some of them are completely destroyed, some are rendered defective. Disputes regarding the permissible amount of alcohol during pregnancy are still ongoing in the scientific world. And, at the same time, there is evidence that alcohol at 8 weeks of pregnancy, even in the smallest doses, can provoke the development of the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome. Its consequences are not only a delay in the intrauterine development of the baby in all respects. But also the birth of a baby with all sorts of deviations and anomalies: mental retardation, delayed growth and weight, impaired motor skills, problems with memory, hearing and vision, deformation of the craniofacial bones (small skull, upturned nose, small and unusually shaped eyes, irregularly shaped jaw , smoothing of the upper lip).

Temperature at 8 weeks of pregnancy

In the early stages, a slightly elevated body temperature (over 37 degrees) is defined as normal, doctors reassure. And they explain this state of affairs by the increased rate of metabolic processes in the body of the expectant mother and the action of hormones (progesterone). However, in some cases, elevated temperature may also indicate hidden inflammatory processes in the body of a pregnant woman, the presence of which can be determined using tests.

But a significant increase in temperature - up to 38 degrees - requires mandatory consultation with a specialist. Prolonged fever during the 8th week of pregnancy can have an extremely negative impact on the development of the baby, causing defects in the development of the nervous system. Thus, an increased temperature in the expectant mother leads to an increase in the temperature of the fetus and its environment, which can damage the baby’s tissue. Another sad consequence of high temperature is the ability to lead to pregnancy fading. Thus, in some cases, the temperature at the 8th week of pregnancy, which remains at “high levels” for a long time, first leads to freezing and then to termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to bring down a high temperature - after consultation with a doctor. It is advisable to first resort to ordinary rubdowns and lotions with cool water. If it doesn’t help, use antipyretics, and only with the consent of the doctor. And you should always remember: aspirin is prohibited during pregnancy, since, having the ability to change the function of blood clotting, this drug leads to bleeding.


Factors that can negatively affect the development of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy include a cold at 8 weeks of pregnancy. So, a cold can not only disrupt the functioning of the placenta and lead to fetal hypoxia, but even end in miscarriage. Therefore, in no case should one be dismissive of a cold in the early stages, including the 8th week of pregnancy - treatment is required urgently and without delay.

Unfortunately, drug treatments are now prohibited. And colds in the 8th week of pregnancy are treated mainly using traditional methods, again, after consultation with a specialist. Moreover, it is advisable to avoid visiting the clinic, and, if possible, call a doctor at home, so as not to expose the body to an additional “attack” of pathogenic microorganisms.

A cold in the 8th week of pregnancy requires treatment, including bed rest, plenty of warm drinks, rinsing the nose and throat. Drinks include warm tea with honey, warm milk with butter, herbal infusions (linden, mint), berry fruit drinks (lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries). The nose is washed with saline solution; it is permissible to lubricate the wings of the nose with “Star” balm. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, and a solution of baking soda are useful for gargling. The preferred foods are dairy products, vegetables and fruits; it is better to avoid meat during a cold.


The “taboo” on meat is permissible, by the way, only in case of a cold: in normal conditions, meat must be present in the diet of a woman expecting a child. Proper nutrition in the 8th week of pregnancy plays an important role for the normal harmonious development of the fetus, as well as throughout pregnancy. And meat is very useful for the development of a baby - as a source of essential protein. True, preference should be given to boiled meat of lean varieties. But it’s better to avoid sliced ​​meat, dried meat, steaks, and cutlets. In addition to meat, proper nutrition during the 8th week of pregnancy involves eating fish and seafood. And also vegetables and fruits, which improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation; dairy products - as a source of calcium and the same protein. Nuts, dried fruits, and cereals are also useful.

At the same time, it is better to exclude foods that promote gas formation and flatulence, impair intestinal function and lead to constipation from the diet. These include legumes, fresh bread, and yeast dough products. Coffee and strong tea, which excite the nervous system, as well as chocolate and sweets, which provoke an increase in glucose levels in the body and the development of diabetes, are not recommended for pregnant women. Fried, salted and peppered, spicy, fatty foods are prohibited: they overload the stomach and liver, increase bile production and lead to heartburn. And salty foods also retain water in the body, which increases the risk of developing edema.

Sex at 8 weeks pregnant

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women, anticipating the joy of future motherhood, often worry whether the intimate life of the parents will harm the fetus developing in the womb. Is sex possible at 8 weeks pregnant? Very much so, experts reassure, however, in the absence of contraindications from the doctor. These include a complicated pregnancy, a possible threat of miscarriage, or expecting twins - in this case, you will have to wait a while with your intimate life. If the expectant mother feels normal and sexual desire remains, toxicosis does not bother the woman much, sex at 8 weeks of pregnancy is quite acceptable and safe.

It is desirable, of course, for an understanding husband to give the “reins of power” in this intimate matter to his beloved wife - the woman is now very sensitive to all the changes that occur in her body. And you shouldn’t be overzealous with sexual intercourse, practicing some unthinkable positions.

Sometimes after sex, a woman may be bothered by a pulling sensation in her stomach. If there is no risk of spontaneous abortion, there is usually no reason to worry. But it’s still worth listening to your feelings just in case.

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